Who is responsible for the tradition of all assets

Osama Bardeeni
2010 / 6 / 20

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Shame we ....
Reasonably supposed to be there for everything pirated assets and there is always a asset always and never are, of course, is the most beautiful always original predominant over all the things we will address today to the subject of the most important topics that are now located on the ground and in particular the Egyptian arena always say that everything when the fundamentals say pyramids say that the pharaohs were the builders of the pyramids and when we say the pharaonic usually blamed on the roots of the ancient Egyptians and as the Prophet peace be upon him (love for your brother what you love for yourself) and also said "Whoever deceives is not of us if tradition was a beautiful thing, let alone original, what is called .. .. The hardest thing for humans and human civilizations and the degrees of excellence, and human thought-free, which does not suits him, but thought-free by all means to now, of course essay is vague and does not have anything exciting, but now will start the excitement
It is when we know that the methods of commercial fraud has spread in Egypt, to a degree not imagined the mind and the frightening proved the Egyptians They are people who do not have a thought and do not have too, which caused the market situation of Egyptian strikes and some permanent stagnation and continued because of widespread ignorance when Egyptian manufacturer and lack of supervision translated from the Consumer Protection Agency He has now recovered no products to China s countless and proudly all good products and use the Egyptians more than any product in the world, products exported from China without an Egyptian mediator, which is called (importer Egyptian ignorant greed, which is trying to earn millions of millions of transactions multiplied not comply with the specifications where Egyptian importer in agreement with the manufacturer of China to the work the form of the original product, but not the quality of the original product, and there comes the blame on China and the makers of China, but now in Egypt with the popularity of the Chinese economy in Egypt and the whole world the manufacturers Egyptian ignorant in factories and workshops under the stairs (degree zero) of trying to imitate products China hit in the markets the manufacturers and owners of workshops in Egypt, trying to imitate Chinese products and the fraud trade after less than Chinese industry and its products accepted in all markets and Iqbal from around the world and to make the blind of the manufacturers and owners of workshops losers trying to imitate products acquainted with China and, unfortunately, is not the path well, for example more than or equal to Chinese products, but unfortunately, very bad is unprecedented to try their intelligence (Bgbaihm) usual attempt laughter and a monument to products that come from Chinese products, you become a manufacturer in Egypt without a new thought or new inventions or otherwise the spectrum of Almsiolf for this farce, despicable, which would send the country to the wind stunning spiral down everything we are better to be jealous of our industries and work to improve them and do not work on imitating products others in order that the products of others is the first in the market and our products all failed this shame us all in Egypt feel sad and arises and angry and assails the Chinese insulted if went on Chinese than China or trying to falsify such a piece of Egyptian antiquities or other people do not grieve when they are trying to imitate other s products and I wish you the better, but unfortunately, the worst always, it is a shame .....
To us and to anyone who tries way ignorance and backwardness tradition stuff Why a. Is the closed mind of the manufacturer in Egypt is dead all of the ideas you you fail all of this failure did not prosper to the counterfeiting and commercial fraud and try to build Egyptian products and the development of (TCT or Budge and attributed the Egyptian Industries bad to Chinese industries What for walking in the market, unfortunately (he says in his book, dear ... who God made them forget themselves Nassau ...... image-Hashr
Forgot about the Egyptians and the Egyptian manufacturer that God does not forget the one in the living, but God is forgotten forget Ivencih himself and brings the devil him till when this farce, where the Consumer Protection Agency of the Egyptian Industries imitations of Chinese industries, if you check for Egyptian products in the markets you will not find it useful, but poorly Why ....
If you check for counterfeit goods of Chinese goods you ll find more poorly and, unfortunately, it is known by its shape, it (the Egyptian and fraud by Budge trade and attributed to China ....
Lasef and China do not have Zmb at that .... Why all this hatred against the state has built around images and the reflection and manufacturing to become competent and has now has experts and artisans and has become self-sufficient and now has sold in the field of economy, trade, why ....
Take us hatred and the tradition of trying to hit these products rather than improving our products and display them in the markets in ways good and try .......
Read what the needs of the market requirements and trying to master the workmanship of the manufacturer and not ignorance of the tradition of fashion products with salvation and you come to situations of despair .....
God, it is a disgrace and we .....
That this situation of this country that prides itself boasts of being the mother of civilization and Tradition where civilization and where the Tradition, the ancient Egyptians and Gedo Ojdo both cases, but the Egyptians do not match the specifications ....
Regrettably, the tradition of Chinese products in Egypt has become a necessity and the reality of salt on every Egyptian craftsmen .....
As greedy traders also in Egypt enthusiastically lobby to sell Chinese products, higher than the price of more than ten times what they imported ......
This is the biggest proof of shame .....
Fara we have to be ignorant to such a degree of ignorance and backwardness behind industry and Abhat world all this in order that the policy of this State policy is backward, but not on the basis or the basis of sound or just the right man is not in the proper place for that failure of the manufacturer failed to whole country, the the wisdom of the status of each man in the proper place is given the opportunity to everyone that creates, develops and invent and innovate in their respective fields, and hence the opportunity to Vktr new sound development over the years and self-sufficiency and increase the experts and technocracy Unfortunately, the policy of this State would always back the policy on paper just do not not There is something true nature applied properly
There are men in their interest to leave this country, who are enthusiastically lobby to uphold the rules of the corrupt non-profitable, but they are the only beneficiaries of the delay and failure of this country .....
How long will we continue to disagree with Allah and His Messenger, to remain when people disagree with, unfortunately, you violated the Allah and His Messenger Fajalvkm God in everything .....
And I will Baattaikm physical evidence from the evidence he says We have neglected nothing in the Book ..... He says ...... and appointed the day for a pension and made the night a covering for ......
We in this country we have and we always contrary verses were revealed to the Prophet and we analyze religion and religious verses on the mood of the hypocrites from the owners of the regime in power that does not work, but the failure of everything .......
Shame we have to stand in front of these so enthusiastically lobby manufacturers who manufacture the products under the stairs without a license or without cards or tax records or insurance in the workers and the succession of ...... Unfortunately, which helps the spread of this disease staff corrupt who receive bribes from the owners of these workshops and factories for the continuation of fraud and corruption accountable those we must, we set the payments too many inspectors enthusiastically lobby to inspect everything and sober trained at the highest levels in everything Altjarpy and industry, agriculture, succession, sadly, the pharaoh of Egypt is not good at thing, but if the search on his head day and night because they already are known for a long time They are people who prefer to hunger, comfort, and do not like the effort or thought and the succession, I am the latest in a critical O-teller of Bakany and wept upon him, and rebuked Dgny of people laughed him ......
Unfortunately, the Egyptians in the subject of Chinese products ever worked in Elly Rqso peace Tilin not above nor under Tilin to whom their products were attributed to them, nor them, nor knew of them and their trade Egedo ...... unfortunately, please clear this shame ....
And I proudly love and pride ...
Gave the greeting and the highest hat to the Chinese manufacturer, who is proud of his country .... The glory to his country ...... The glory to his country ....
A heartfelt tribute from the heart to all the people of China and China s Great Prophet said, peace be upon him (Atalbo knowledge even in China ).....
Not a shame to learn and learn the manufacturer maker jealousy and tries to find it created, but a shame that flaunts the manufacturer on the education of the new in built by jealousy, the science is real money on the back of this land as it is the way to heaven .... Say Amilo Allah will behold your work and His Messenger and the believers .....
So go ahead, O people ..... Aglqo What is a shame on you ...... And learn how Tbdon and Talmo How do you make ... and Tzlho the Qur aan which God s gift to every Muslim on the back of this earth .....
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (I left you that it will not be Thompsktm Tdilo after me never .... the book of God ..... and two years .......
Ratified the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ....
Writer and poet / Osama Bardeeni
Member of the World Organization of the book of African and Asian
Had been holed Twenty-five years
The point on the absolute freedom of the United States of America

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