The Republic/Cemetery Of Iraq?

Talal Alrubaie
2011 / 1 / 28

I have watched today a video film of the Egyptian opposition leader Aymen Nor, while he was giving his speech before what looked like the Parliament, and I could only feel humbled by his courage, honesty and clear words, asking Mubarak to leave because his people did not want him any more; they were fed up until their bones with him and his regime.
The question I wish to ask: Is not the corruption, failure and incompetence that Aymen is referring to present in Iraq-internationally well documented and proved, and even immeasurably more prevalent and has become indeed endemic and an official governmental policy (remember, just for example, the pardoning by Government and Parliament of the forgers of their academic qualifications or of some ‘ex-Baathist leaders’, or the unconstitutional and undemocratic meddling by the so-called religious leaders in the state affairs)?
Also, the criminal Bin Ali of Tunisia has gone (the Interpol has issued now a warrant for his arrest), though, I am sure, that the Iraqi Government is endlessly more corrupt than his. A court of law will certainly confirm this when this Government and its associates, beside those of ex-governments, stand trial for crimes of corruption and misuse of power, among others.
The president Mubarak and his entourage claim they have come to office through ‘democratic election?’, the same claim made ad nauseum by the(Mis)government in Iraq. And we know that the difference between their “democracy” and real democracy is the difference between earth and heaven. What has improved in Iraq since the fall of the bloody deposit Saddam? We have only a change in person(s), but not in regime of power.
(Wide sections of) the Iraq opposition were not effective or competent to remove Saddam from power. They needed a Liberator/Occupier. Now, they are, once in power, equally incompetent, impotent and ineffective to run the affairs of Iraq.
Mubarak should go now, and the rulers of Iraq should also go, and if they go even before their corrupt and failed comrade Mubarak not many would feel sorry for such a pathetic and miserable Government.
We need in Iraq politicians, men and women, like Aymen, who are courageous and honest. We need neither propagandists nor defeatists. We need politicians, like Aymen, who stand up to the dysfunctional and totally incompetent, feudal and sectarian Government of Iraq, and ask it to leave Now. Or should we wait more and more years of killing, poverty and social injustice, disrespect of science, culture and academia, and disregard and abuse of human rights? We could wait until perhaps there would be no Iraq anymore, but just a cemetery of what was once Iraq. But the difference between today’s Iraq and a (would be) cemetery appears only semantic.
We, the people of Iraq, need and deserve a competent, functional and a democratic, secular Government, a Government that respects its own people, keeps its promises, and works unceasingly, and indefatigably, and without any form or shape of discrimination, for the warfare of all Iraqi people.

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