The real Murderers of Humanity

Mahmoud Alkhatib
2011 / 4 / 21

When I was 16, I joined Hamas; it was the usual story of any traditional teenager, blinded by the long preaches about Allah and heaven. I joined for a single year but it was more than enough for me to understand who they are and what they want. I had friends who were members of Islamic Al-Jihad my Hamas leadership asked me to stay away from them, since their path isn’t righteous. I had friends who are members of Fatah and left parties, my Hamas leadership told me to cut any connection with them since they were heretics and not sincere.

The first day you join brain-washing starts. Everybody is considered to be an enemy; you aren’t allowed to have close relations with anybody who isn’t Hamas, since they are on wrong tracks. Extremism starts with simple teachings like these. It is the very same teaching that makes Hamas followers in their prayers ask Allah to take revenge from all non-believers.

In the year 2007, Hamas took over Gaza using guns, the period before the last clashes witnessed a clear calls to murder members of Fatah, mainly by the former Hamas leadership Nizar Rayan in one record he said it clear “Fatah are seculars, agents and spies for America, and if they come close to us we should kill them or cut their hands”. Later this Rayan founded the group Jaljalat (Viktor’s Killers) a more extremist group than Hamas itself, more of Al-Qaeda style. Or Younis Al-Astal who said killing seculars is a thing that makes you closer to Allah. During its military cope against PA in 2006, Hamas supported many extremist groups including Jaish El Islam – Army of Islam, which co-operated with Hamas capturing Gilad Shalit in 2006. The same group was held responsible for attacking and bombing several hair dressing salons and internet cafes. Hamas supported and funded such groups, Hamas planted extremism, and what you plant you get. Sadly it has been always the same case; others have to pay the price of such actions.

Who is to be held responsible for murdering Victor?

I wonder when it is going to be the time for us to stand for the truth, that a terrorist is just a person making the long prayers for Allah to take revenge of the non-Muslims come true.

I understand that a Jordanian was the leader of that group of murderers, but it indicates that there is an aptitude within the society driven by both Hamas and Israel oppression to become more extremist. People in hopeless and helpless conditions by nature go back to religion, conditions like these under which Gazans have been living for decades are the proper conditions for extremism to grow.

Why do I mention Israel here? Hamas has been playing a game, and Israel has been falling into the same trap over and over again due to stupidity or in purpose, I would suppose it is made in purpose. Every time PA reached an agreement with Israel regarding workers and work opportunities –last time in 2004, Hamas aimed to target Israeli civilians inside Israel or to attack the borders through which workers would move into Israel, and every time Israel found a good opportunity to close the borders, in a result hundreds of thousands of workers were sent to beg the mercy of Hamas, and due to the rise of poverty and extreme conditions that has always provided a good environment for religious extremism to recruit new hopeless helpless members, Hamas power grown and more extremist groups appeared.

The game goes on, and it seems that only the innocent will always pay the price.

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