A Noble Priest

Freeyad Ibrahim
2011 / 4 / 26

(a noble priest)
by Freeyad Ibrahim
Being the son of a noble family during the monarchy era, he was married at a very early age, eighteen.
That was in accordance with a custom which was rather widely prevalent.
Despite his early marriage, distractions of frivolities occupied his early life which was wholly devoted to worldly affairs,
He, a good looking, elegance, graceful, and intelligent man, attracted much gossips.
When the revolution came, and in the rush of those events, the royal family was decimated, persecuted,
And he emigrated, nobody knew where
In exile ,the death of his wife, the tragic events home, the collapse of social order, the downfall of his own family, all these had inspired in him thoughts of renunciation, and solitude.
He was suddenly overtaken by one of those mysteries and awful revulsions.
All this had changed the nature of the man
After the regime change he came back as a priest and came to reside in a small town.
At his arrival there were much gossip in circulation. In a petty town where plenty tongues to gossip and few minds to think.
But he accepted his fate as every newcomer rather indifferently.
The minds eventually changed but not before his fifth year of his residence there.
The chatter died down.
His elegance entertaining manner, gracefulness, and good deeds were stronger than all the fabricated rumors!

http://www.freeyad ibrahim.nl

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