firstly a bribe and then country

Marwan Hayel Abdumoula
2011 / 5 / 3

after the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe Some residents of those countries still can never leave with negative phenomena especially what concerns bribery and the corruption ,but also relationship with corruption in outside its borders.
the new kind of corruption which called fraternal corruption.because as such a situation between Moldova and Romania exist ,for solutions to the problems associated with movement and the relationship between criminal groups and corrupt officials of two is no secret that in R.Moldova thrives criminal trade where members of this criminal trade represent state power , from the sale of many public product smuggling ,as until facilitate the process of obtaining certain documents ,such as document for residence or driver s license or draw up documents for stolen vehicle.
in recent time the European Union on the initiative of France added a new demand for the Schengen agreement and allusion was indirect for Romania which cannot determined how to be with his dangerous and younger brother Moldova which is currently in a difficult economic and political situation because of widespread corruption and bribery in society and in all territories R.Moldova ,and the fear of whether it s a problem there will be no Only in Moldova but it will evolve,and in Romania ,where talk about the relationship between criminal elements and corruption in Moldova and Romania and even a the contact at the level corrupt officials, which coordinates the work of contraband goods on both sides of the border went so far as specially when the Romanian side started cleaning at the customs and the police they discovered some contact between the customs as such for example, exchange the product in style contraband in the both sides of borders.
after the scandal known as the factory driver s license in Romania there
exists a scheme of work at the level of traffic police in both countries for example You simply does not can pass the exam for driver s license in Romania ,because the policemen here they want make money but here they cannot. they send you to their brothers in R.Moldova where they asking money in open for driver s license without any problem because they working in group,and you pay half there and the other half here,when you changing your Moldovan driver s license to Romanian.
There are other problems more dangerous ,Were there cases where the Romanian police took Moldovan false driver s license ,and they know that is false and replaced them on the Romanian and this is proof of a police liaison with the criminal gangs,and there are rumors that in the romanian roads exist criminals with stolen cars ,and false Moldovan driver s license,and this worries Europe ,and One of the main problems of the European Union now this is how to stop the flow of criminals immigrant and dangerous men in the territory European Union.
romanian side does not understand that the complication to the process of joining to the Schengen space This is mainly due not only with internal corruption,but also its relationship with corruption outside its borders,where the European Union is currently fighting with the flow illegal immigrants from North Africa,where can hide potential terrorists and criminals under the form of refugees fleeing from the conflict zones.

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