Friend to President Obama President of the United States of America

Osama Bardeeni
2011 / 5 / 4

In the name of God the Merciful

I also draw the letter also to all friends and members of Congress, U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate
I also draw the letter to U.S. administration officials ...
I charge you Oehaalasedka in the United States of America ... all the messages of heaven, who sent from heaven to the Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad and all the messages of heaven, who honored the rights that the name of human rights, humanitarian and the name of freedom, which is the shield of a man weak ... I appeal to all the names of God in the earth and in heaven that Tfarago this blind sheikh disabled who did not see a Sheikh / Omar Abdel Rahman, is located within the U.S. prisons, this man will not harm anything, please release him as soon as possible to that of a blind, helpless does not hurt as it fails to do anything, please for Human Rights released as soon as possible and return to Egypt and you all our love and appreciation and respect ..
You and me and the Egyptian people all the love, appreciation and respect ...
Writer, journalist and poet /
Member of the World Organization of the book of African and Asian
Who suffered from the blockade Twenty-five years in Egypt
Winning on the absolute freedom of the United States of America
I charge you by the name of freedom the U.S. release of this man who does not see the justice that we apply justice ........
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