Enforce a no-fly zone over Syria

2011 / 9 / 12

Enforce a no-fly zone over Syria

By : Freeyad Ibrahim

Today Syrian tyrant is ordering his heavy- weaponed military and Iranian-and-Hisbullah mercenaries to shoot his people in the streets like “rats” and “cockroaches”.
Yet his people are paying a terrible price for freedom. And the fear is that even now Mr Assad will in one way or another clamber over the corpses littering the streets to seize back the power that has slipped away from him.
In Syria Mr. Assad seems to crave blood. On Mart 22 nd, he vowed to “cleanse Syria house by house” , cost what it may cost even by turning Syrian into a big blood pool. If a such blood thirsty dictator will prevail, dictators over the world will know which course to follow in the future.
Rather than appease them and make dirty deals for the sake of oil and geopolitics, the argument goes, the only ethical foreign policy is to reject them and walk away. Indignation alone could pave a way for a strategy for dealing with dictators.
It seldom makes sense to isolate large parts of the world permanently, no matter how cruel and inhuman the tyrants who govern them.
The question raised by the wave of protests spreading across the Middle East is how to deal with the tyrants.
The priority is to push the strongmen towards reform and away from violence. But all efforts to push the tyrant of Syria towards reform did not avail! And never will prevail.
The western governments and US , were right to stand behind the protesters in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Libya.
It is time to do more for the Syrian people who are bleeding to death.
America’s army chiefs were right to use their influence to restrain Egypt’s armed forces from shooting into the crowds.

Now Mr. Assad uses his heavy weapons , tanks and artillery and soon air force to kill large numbers of his own people, indifferently and with cool blood, the world would be right to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria.
Sooner no later, please!
Freeyad Ibrahim

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