Best Subjects for The Iraqi Culture Room, Directed by Kherallah Said

Choub Al-Juboori
2011 / 10 / 22

Paltalk s Rooms Conversations:

This Paltalk room of The Iraqi Culture is Directed by Dr. KherallahSaid, allows me to make a number of review improvements, and not least I have added what I hope readers will find to be relevant and topical case illustrations. But the most important subjescts for culture relates to the development of ideas and approaches to handle cultural change.

Everyone could says that culture change is difficult. Difficult to conceive because one must inevitably deal with people culture issues and an uncertain future mind. The more so to imple­ment because consequentes can be difficult to predict, harder to track and therefore can create a dvnamu all of their own. In particular everyone claims that major change is hard because of the so-called soft or people issues. Is this really so? Does the room-audior/reader know of any organisation or institution which has not expe­rienced culture change in the last decade or so? Would anyone seriously argue that we are not living in a period of rapid change? is it not true that we are also living in an era through which dramatic cultural changes of productivity, technology, brand, image and reputation are common-place or with The Iraqi Culture room?

Some will say yes to these questions but then question the longer term conse­quences. What kind of society are we creating? Do we devote enough attention to the long-term consequences of what we do? fair enough but that is to shift the argument, "The fact is that more and more change is being delivered. Room of The Iraqi Culture engaged in delivering higher productivity higher levels of activity and culturer satisfaction and so on. This is not to say that all is well nor that all are siucessful. Rather it is to note that The Iraqi Culture room have grown volumes, activity and ability during a period in which ever more complex demands (for culturer satisfaction and rooms of cultural ethics) have been added in the increasingly complex and diverse environments in which they operate. The challenge facing Dr. Kherallah Said and the senior executives as Samir Enkawa, Sabaa, Baghdadea...and others have grown and yet more change is being achieved.

Thus we must be getting something right! It may be- possible to see cultural change as demanding and tiring but not as necessarily inherently difficult. This argument partly turns on the idea. resistance to change , Some argue that people-vistors are inherently resistant to change for right building. Whether for personal or subjects reasons upon this room, strategic cultural change can be best by opposition from key speakers or Dr. Kherallah Said, whether key other vested interests and tile like. And this is true- and I seek not to diminish the importance of this point. But it is a partial truth. Much of what The Room "they"refer to as "resistance to change for right mind" is really " risistance to uncertainty".

Thus the resistance derives from the process of handling and managing subjects change, not from the change as such.
If people understand what is to be achieved, why, how and by whom, this can help. If they understand the impact on themselves, even more so. This is not to argue that all resistance disappears. Indeed you can argue that more informa­tion provided to those who do seek to obstruct change because their interests are threatened may help them to do so. But that is a matter of "room administration" han­dling, timing and tactics. My point is that the arguments of many behavioural scientists writing about change are overwhelmingly partial and, at least in part, misleading. Rapidly skating over the issue of what ought to be changed, much of the writing I refer to deals in room s team or superviewer of them is Dr. Kherallah Said attitudes, satisfactions, beliefs and so on. Not that this is unimportant - but it is not the whole story. Much of an team-work s response to any proposal for change lies in its perceived relevance, credibility and likely success. If someone argues that something should change and presents a credible plan which I feel is likely to succeed, then I am more likely to go along. But you will search the organisation change literature in vain for ways of measuring implementability . Nor will you find any attempt to identify the degree of ambition in any proposals for change. The literature takes the content of change as a given - a black box . There is some material on risk analysis which clearly is relevant but even so most of the literature ignores even this material.

Thus this view seeks to depart from much of the existing literature by tackling three problems in an integrated fashion:
What can we say about how the room to identify what should change and how to judge how ambitious the change plans are, and Dr. Kherallah Said as a director of this room.
What assessment can we make of the likelihood of these team being capable of implementation and what kinds of subjects architectures can be developed to enhance the likelihood of implementation,
What are the people and organisational issues of strategic subjects and how can they best be tackled.
The first two are inevitably linked. Part of the issue of how ambitious any set of proposals are lies in how ready the organisation "the room" is to adopt them and/or whether an effective right plan can be adopted. Thus risk analysis and a sense of how capable of implementation in the given organisers at the relevant moment in its life and in the economic and competitive or other relevant context.

In seeking to get to grips with the first question how we will examine ideas about strategy formulation and new models of the room sufficiently to shape an outline of how this question can be formulated and considered. Our purpose is not to write a artical on the room strategy formulation but rather to show how an under­standing of that discipline can help them as a part of us.

We then go on to look at the second question. To do so, how we will deploy and examine concepts such as bulding mind architecture, learning and knowledge. These ideas we would draw together to develop the concept of a right readiness index - a measure of how likely a given set of develop or go on right building can be implemented. Our purpose here is to enable some analysis to be brought to bear on the question of how ambitious we can with this room and should be when considering proposals for growth and development on this room and its stratrgy also its perspectives.

Finally we will look hopefully at a range of individual, team and organisational issues relevant to any understanding of the room management. How we will look at change diagnosis, at leadership, at the culture change coping cycle model and much more. We would also seek to show how the various issues covered under questions 1 and 2 form part of the context within people s attitudes and how behaviour is formed in any given culture setting. Ultimately our objective is to show what we understand of how to make right support. We seek to this room and team and (Amuu Dr.Abu-Souad) go beyond the bounds of doubt that we often see when practitioners discuss major changes. Here we seek to focus upon what we know and on what we can reasonably infer from experience. Much still remains uncertain and difficult to predict but our view is that we should build upon what we know so we can make changes with greater confi­dence sustained by the thought that we can learn more from the experience of doing so. I feel is likly to succeed with this room, then more happy likely to go this room along in paltalk rooms.

Dr. Choub Al-Juboori
Cardiff University- UK

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