Arabian spring a global thing

Mark Pressure
2012 / 2 / 5

The Arabian spring as many call it here in the West, the revolution in the middle east is one of the people, created by the masses.
There are many complot theories and there is many finger pointing. This often to dis-encourage the protesters and as counter revolution. To make the people believe a revolution is no solution but yust dangerous . They will point at so called foreign powers and matters like that to divide the people. But what it bassicly comes down to is that people are getting fed up with the siuation they have to live in everywhere. This anger at governments and those in power is growing worldwide. Not only in the middle east. The people in the west may not be that angry right now as the people in the middle east. Many people in Europe and the US still face better living conditions, a job etc. But the sell out of their human rights, liberty, freedom of expression and also unemployment is big time and so is the anger increasing here as well.
The media uses the word Anarchy still a lot..but true anarchy is not chaos or disorder,or the rule of the fittest.
Anarchy is something positive and for all the people. To me the only way that frees (in its ideoligy) all people from opression. Since it stands for; "You shall not rule, you shall not be ruled".
But opression is what the governements have for us in store right now. Wether it is a dictator or capitalist company in charge not caring for the is all yust as bad. I truly believe some rights are not negosiable. They are in some way laws of nature to me. Not laws of any regime, company or god..since I do not believe god, allah ..would ever come in written rules . It simply doesnt work like that I feel personally. These rights are not to be taken or claimed by anybody..not a government, company or religion.
A key word for peace is perhaps voluntary , free will. No authoritarian regime should ever rule over the people as they do now all over the world. In different kind of ways perhaps but it comes down to the same.

In the west they want to ban the burka s on the head of the name of liberty. At that same time they take away some liberty from muslim show how complex and easily we can get tricked by their so called good means .Is it really to help the people in any way? Or yust a way to dictate their law upon us the people or get rid of what they fear or don t understand.
At the same moment religious regimes that demand a woman to cover her head are yust the same evil. They also dictate and take the freedom not to wear one. My call is simple..away with them all. All powers that rule over us should be banned and be organised by the people voluntarely so they become open, transparent and truly for the people..may that be in the Middle East or in the west.

Today we saw the UN meeting on the unrest in Syria. Well, it seems to be more then unrest..and they so the called it anarchy again. Since a positive anarchy would be the greatest threat to them, not yust a replacement of power by a new one. (Wich is sometimes even worse.)
Giving social-anarchy a bad name in their media is because they fear the peoples power. (For a good info, explanation on (social) anarchy go to; Anarchist.FAQ.
The media gives everything they can t use or don t like a bad name. Simply because most media is controlled. By regimes or companies. And so every good alternative is seen as a threat to their power, control and business.
Most are banned and not even delt with often. In the US and Europe millions went out on the streets. People were being attacked brutaly and wounded (like in Oakland, Nyc, mMlbourne, London etc), even killed in many cities in the West at Occupy and union demonstrations that were peaceful and organised by the people itself.
What is hypocrit is that the Western regimes can beat up people for nothing and at the same moment point fingers at foreign regimes like in the middle east..and the people are tired of all this. In the end they all seem lying hypocrits.
The West, like Europe first claims Egypt, Mubarak is "ok" and stable..and then when the people win and don t give up they switch sides quickly. Often it is the interest in oil and recources that wins their hearts, not the wishes and rights of the common people. Libya was more important then Syria..because of the oil partly and sadly.

Today it was Russia and China (again),two very nationalistic and corrupt countries who opposed the UN sanctions against Syria to stop the violence there. And so indeed this form of democracy is also dangerous as it shows because it can so easily be blocked by money matters in stead of protecting or serving the people.These maffia like power struggles will never stop if we dont stop them. They hold back the people and that can never be the meaning of such a council. Consensus is a very good thing and its best when reached for sure. But in this way nothing happens to help the people..and politics become our death. that is not the democracy we want to see happen. that is not what these brave people and the youth are fighting for..simple matters as a job, freedom of expression, human rights, better health care, social needs etc.
Don t get me wrong here..a true democracy would be more like a social anarchy to me. Build by the people itself. What they call democracy in the West is yust a game at this moment to keep the people busy and divided..even on topics we dont care for. This to block the more important matters.Since there are only a few truly in power within a capitalist structure (yust as in a dictatorship or any opressive regime in some way) they make and create the media, rules and opinions. Like in Italy where Berlusconi and co had (and still has probably) control over almost all media and tv networks.How can that ever be a true democracy or civilsied society when peoples voices are being denied. When good books get banned out of libraries in the western countries for being to social" or creative?
I therefor hope the people in Egypt, Tunesia and elsewhere will not let yust another party take full control, even when elected.
Some basic rights are demanded by the youth. And they are not to be denied by anybody. Even if 80% of the voters would say "No freedom of speech, no open internet etc"..then this should be denied by the people and the revolution should continue till they give up those human rights. The right to choose, to learn, to engage, to organise in a peaceful way..
So even if in new democarcy the people voted against this the youth must go back on the streets.
Let no one take this revolution. They were often not even ther at the squares, at the protests. Let not even the brotherhood in Egypt or who ever take away again what you fought for. The brave and common people of the middle east who do want a real change will not take this. This revolution is not over.

The West is also a bit late with supporting the people in the middle east.Not the people but our politicians wich handled often shamefull when it comes to Middle east policies. This makes it hard to trust their messages because is it sincere or with some hidden agenda? However I did find todays speech of the US done by Susan Rice (and also B.H Obama, Hillary) on the UN council one with direct and devotion. They changed mind (way too late) when they saw what happened Tunisia and Egypt that s true. But it was also them who supported the opressing regimes before they fell. It s a good thing they did change their mind/politics and choose to back up the revolution..but if it is only to replace the old power, or give your companies a chance to invest in the local resources like oil...then it is all not human. Yust selfish in a way. So let s hope some sincere feelings are in it as well. Wich I believe there are to some politicians..but sadly most politicians here are ruled and payed by big companies(like the oil business).Like many Ayatollahs are being payed to keep the people down as well.
The local resources should be demanded and controlled by the people to be used to build up something better localy after the revolution. So let no company or "boss" be in charge..let the people be in a new structure. A concept that is not impossible. They yust want to make the people believe they are government or the companies in charge and without them everything would be a chaos. Do not believe them, do it yourself. Most current regimes in this world and also western democracies are power lusted maffia networks.
So the people worldwide often feel powerless but that doesnt mean they will take this opression of any regime no longer. And so powerless becomes "power to the people" and powerful. From China to the US some small elite is in charge and they mostly do not care for us. Their governments are nothing more then big coorperations after our money.So let this revolution become one of the people itself. One of self organisation and emancipation from the old powers, political, financial or religious.
No one has the right to take away your future.

The Arabian spring is a global thing..Viva the people!

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