The non-state of islmaic state

raed khaled toghuj
2012 / 9 / 8

According to the islamist discourses of ties between religion and politic, with depending on the holy texts of Quran and Hadith , the regime and government institutions must led by the law of god which included in heritage cultural of henchmen of qalipha or sultan in post Mohamed died era.

The clergies determine also the outlines of politic practices by Reclining on the majority of non-think and openless people, and those can control their own destiny just by talking about paradise and stories about prophets.

Since hasan al bana launched the muslim brotherhood party in egypt, the impact of influential which already depend on the power of controlling the mind and behaviors as hypnosis , but during the 1967 war, the heritage of tradition had had own discourse of explanation the reason led to loss and the shock meeting with modernity and democracy.

Prince hasan bin talal suggests and argues that peace will not parachuted by shouldering texts or bringing the past , instead , by Multiplicity and practicing the authority as states of law do, however, the islamists try to Islamize the institutions of state, and then rise the cheer of "shora" , which overlooped wrongly with democracy.

Many writers and less thinkers believe in the religion state which indeed savage minded and pre-history styles control the lives of whole people, but truly, when such islamists speaking, the anti-minded suddenly make their discourse and shift their thinking against them, finally , the game of shifting and coloring depending on their needs and wants, and that s ultimately is not as leftist thinking as the common true realistic, but also the capital- cultural and social contract.

Just write your idea or participate in conference and then you find the way to join the club of culture from wildest windows, so many doors will open, and you will find yourself such sssssssss and Popularity as dr amjad qorsha as many clergies , that s the selfishness ethos wise control the brains of most thinker in Arabian world.

Sometimes majority of people don t like listening to sound of truth , because they don t want to destroying their own dreams , so the impossibly of conversation with their dreams- idea will be surrounded by sorrow and grief-pain illusions of reform them!

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