The Flash of Destiny

Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim
2007 / 1 / 9

The Flash of destiny
A charitable organisation offered holidays for mothers on an island at an affordable price. She was going to stay there for four weeks. Two weeks later I got a phone call: could you come and join me here? Two days later she said: “Thanks for coming. There are only couples here with children - but I can’t understand before you came, women were very hostile to me and now that you are here women are friendly but men turned aggressive”.

On the first day of the week before we left we went out eating in the only pub or bistro on the island in the evening. As we entered we saw it was overcrowded. Suddenly I had one of those few flashes of light I experience when destiny is on the horizon. It is difficult to describe it but it looks like a camera flash or some sort of illumination in my eyes signalling the advent of something indefinite.

Two women were sitting at a table. We went straight to their table and asked for permission if we could join them. After a short time the four of us were engaged in conversation. The lady who sat next to me was a teacher in her late thirties. The next day in the early afternoon I felt an urgent need to go back to the place for an Italian coffee. I immediately went to the friendly waitress we had the evening before and asked: Do you remember the lady who sat next to me yesterday evening? Of course I do” she answered “she often comes here”. I said: oh, I am sorry I don’t know her name but I would like to leave a message. She gave me a piece of paper and a pencil. I wrote: To the nice lady who doesn’t like teaching sport and music, here is my address and phone number. As I was leaving I saw the two ladies coming in. I went red in embarrassment.

Three weeks after we left I got a postcard - with her address and phone number - writing: I am confused a bit as I don’t really know what to do with your address. You can phone me in the evening beginning from next week. I must say I was a bit impatient to wait for a week but when the evening came I picked up the receiver and dialled her number.

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