The Beauty of Goodness

Freeyad Ibrahim
2013 / 11 / 19

The Beauty of Goodness

by Freeyad Ibrahim

Tara Teresa was a gentle and respectable nun. She had taken vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, yet she would not be termed ‘venerable’ since she was unmarried. Her being seemed composed of frailty. Her life was fully occupied with good works. Which, though not pretty, endowed her with such pallor, luminosity and brightness that acquired her what may be called the beauty of goodness. A quality that seemed to have transfigured her body and shape. So that her skinniness had become a quality of transparency through which her shadowy nature shone. And when she walked, she walked with her eyes downcast.

The only justification for a saintly spirit to linger on earth.

Freeyad Ibrahim

18-11 - 2013

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