The war in Iraq 13 years later

Kamal Jabar
2016 / 4 / 10

The war in Iraq 13 years later
April 9th 2003 liberation´-or-ruination?

Saddam Hussein, by far, was the most arrogant, most irresponsible head of state in the 20th century compare to all other Arab leaders. He never cared about the well being of Iraqi people. On the contrary, he used Iraqis for his bloody unjustifiable wars. He brutally killed´-or-ordered to kill any Shiite, Sunni, Kurds, Turkmen, Christian, Yazidi and any others who saw them as a threat to his existence.

As a street thug, Saddam was recruited and trained by British, America and President Nassir. He participated in killing General Qassim and later in killing President Arif to pave the way for the Baath’s party to rule Iraq. Soon after becoming the Vice President, he high-jacked the Baath’s party, waged merciless war against the Kurds and the communist party, killed the honest patriotic leaders within the Baath’s party, killed President Bakir’s son Mohammed to force Bakir to resign and turn the presidency to Saddam, put Bakir under house custody and poisoned him.

As a President, USA, UK and SU used Saddam to wage devastated bloody 8 years war against Iran. Allowed him to attack and occupy Kuwait. Watched him benefiting from UN oil for food program and built some of his castles during the 13 harsh years of economical sanctions against Iraqi nation. Then, accused him of having WMD and ties with Al-Qaida in order to “ liberate Iraqi people”.

Did really UN, USA and all other coalition forces call what happen in and to Iraq since 2003, liberation?

After Saddam’s stupid wars against Iran and Kuwait, internal wars against the Kurds and all other political parties, and 13 years of severe daily sufferings and losses of Iraqi people due to the economical sensation, no Iraqi wanted to see Saddam in power any longer. He ruled with horror and fear. He became suspicious of his own family and tribe. Within his trusted “republican guards” were officers willing and trying to get rid of him. By 2003, Saddam was weak. Overthrowing him and his regime was a matter of time for the Iraqi people to do so, with the support of USA and other countries, without sending troops to Iraq.

Before 2003, Iraqi nation, weak divided Iraqi opposition, Iran, Kuwait, Syria and Israel, all were planning and working to get rid of Saddam, in addition to CIA’s plans to do so as mentioned in George Tenet’s book “At the center of the storm”.

After 13 years, American and Iraqi parents who lost their loved ones, have the right to ask and know, if the 2003 war against Iraq was necessary? Did really the coalition forces liberate Iraqis and brought stability and peace to Iraqis and the region?

Lets do the math.

According to 2011 article at the Guardian “The US has lost 4,484 military personnel since 2003 in Iraq - the vast majority of the 4,802 coalition casualties.
Iraqi casualties: Civilians have suffered enormously in Iraq - the data above comes from Iraq Body Count, which monitors reported deaths and reckons up to 113,728 Iraqis have died. Recently, IBC reported that at least 1,003 suicide bombings caused civilian casualties in Iraq from 2003 to 2010. The Wikileaks data showed how many died, particularly in the violent sectarian aftermath of the war, with murders as the main cause. That database recorded 109,032 deaths, 66,081 of them civilians, 23,984 insurgents and 15,196 Iraqi security forces. The worst place for deaths was Baghdad, with 45,497” (The Guardian, by Simon Roger, War in Iraq: the cost in American lives and dollars, December 15 2011).

Adding to those scary numbers of unnecessary casualties of young Americans, Iraqis and other coalition countries, thousands innocent Yazidis, Christians, Shiite, Sunnis, Kurds, Turkmen, foreign journalists, NGO workers and soldiers killed by ISIS and the uncontrolled Shiite militias in Iraq since 2014. Plus, 3-4 million displaced Iraqis and over a million refugees in EU and neighboring countries. The question again, was this war necessary?

Beside casualties, human sufferings and loses, according to report in 2011 by Congressional Research Services for Congress, the 2003 Iraq war cost USA “
About -$-751 billion. If the FY2011 war request is approved, total war-related funding would reach almost -$-1.3 trillion, including -$-802 billion for Iraq”. (CRS report for Congress – The Guardian, Simon Roger, War in Iraq: the cost in American lives and dollars, December 15 2011).

Again, adding to this scary dollars amount that is hard working American taxpayers money, the continuing money USA, EU and other countries are giving to Iraq. Plus, the hundreds billions dollars Iraqi government received from its oil resources from 2004 until now.

After 13 years and with the above human lives and mountains of money,
Iraq is weak, divided and a war zone for ISIS, Iranian militias, Turkish army and all kinds of uncontrolled armed gangs and foreign Intel. Iraq is controlled by (Shiite, Sunni, Kurdish and Turkmen) Islamic parties that are way far from the “democratic government” Iraqis dreamed off. Iraq is run by one of the most corrupt incompetent government on earth.

Beside the endless car bombs, suicide attacks and other horrific crimes against its innocent people, services and basic life necessities are deteriorating. The level of corruption within all government branches is separating like a cancer and is effecting badly local and federal government services towards Health, education, culture, agriculture, industrial, employments, security, foreign policy, Human and woman rights, arm forces and even sport.

This is not a pessimistic exaggerated picture of Iraqi people’s life in 2016. This is the sad true reality that must be recognizing by all governments involved in 2003 war.

President Bush in 2003, said: “ we are in Iraq to win the heart and soul of Iraqis”. That was possible if USA had listened and supported honest caring secular Iraqis instead of supporting the disloyal corrupt politicians and Islamists since 2003.

President Obama after the pulling of USA troops out of Iraq in 2011, said: "We are leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people”. Yes, in 2005, 2010 and 2014 elections Iraqis voted for the same corrupt Islamic parties, which were mistakes they are continuing paying its heavy price today. But, what sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraqi government president Obama talked about then, and sill support it now?

It is the same sectarian corrupt government that is hurting millions of Iraqis, knowingly´-or-by being incompetent. The daily hurt is taking innocent people’s lives because of the existence of this government. It is an Islamic government that is forcing women back into dark ages. It is an Islamic government that is unable´-or-unwilling to protect Iraqi Christians, Yazidia and all other minorities. It is an Islamic government that for the last 13 years was busy stealing and destroying Iraq and its people. A careless government that lived on excuses such as “fighting Al-Qaida, fighting ISIS, fighting terrorists, busy reconcile among different sects and different ethnicities”, in order not to provide Iraqis services. For the last 13 years did not manage to build one university, one hospital´-or-one bridge. A government that always had excuses to destroy but none to build. A government controlled by sectarian leaders and Islamic blocs that occupy ministerial and parliamentarian seats through monopoly. How it is possible for one individual to be the minister of Industrial during PM Alawi, minister of Interior during PM Jaafri, minister of Finance during PM Maliki and minister of transportation during PM Abadi? How it is possible that some of USA and other countries weapons and equipment that were given to Iraqi government to fight ISIS were smuggled to neighboring countries´-or-sold to ISIS? How is possible for armed gangs on Iraqi soil to kidnap foreigners and negotiate their releases without the involvement and guidance’s of powerful Iraqi officials, examples of the 9 Turkish citizens and the 26 Quatrains. And, I can go on with long list of embarrassments and wrong doings of Iraqi government.

President Obama in his visit to Cuba said: “we tried policy for over 50 years and it did not work, we need to change it”. Without comparing Cuba to Iraq, is USA leaders expect Iraqis to put up with the present Iraqi government for 50+ years?

With the 2011 Arab Spring, Iraqis marched to the streets of Baghdad and most other provinces in Iraq, demanded reforms and serious changes within the government’s three branches. PM Maliki used his “anti riots and Intel forces” to attack, beat and arrest demonstrators. Some demonstrators and organizers were killed without any arrest by the government to the known murderers.

Again, from August 2014 until now, Iraqis started their anti corruption demonstrations and demands for real effective changes and reforms within the government. Due to the endless money the ruling Islamic parties have under their control, and, due to the continues support of USA to the present Iraqi government, the demonstrations, sit-in and demands of millions of angry, hungry and disappointed Iraqis were high jacked and overshadowed by Islamic parties.

But not for long. The interests of millions of people must prevail, one day in future.

That day can be near´-or-far depends on how fast USA and world leaders understand the desire of millions of good Iraqis for real democracy and help them accomplish it.

Iraq with its wealth and human resources had and still has the potential to become the front line of peace and stability in the region, instead of harboring ISIS and Iranian militias and exporting them to the world.

Imagine, instead of 4484 American soldiers got killed in Iraq, USA was able to use them now as army engineers and technicians to help rebuild Iraq’s schools, hospitals, universities, soccer fields, movie theaters, roads, bridges, etc. The cost of each tank was enough to build a school. The cost of each plane was enough to build a clinic.

Imagine, instead of 8.2 trillion dollars was spent on war that resulted to this corrupt careless Iraqi government, USA trusted and supported good honest caring Iraqis through the same “democratic process” that Ambassador Bramer used to fund and empower Islamic parties, in addition to the -dir-ect support and funds those parties were getting from Iran and Saudia Arabia to implement their agendas in Iraq.

Before the rise of Saddam, Iraq was one of the most modern Arab countries. Iraq was the first Arab country that had a female minister, best universities, best hospitals, and best education system, best laws that protects civil rights. Iraq was on the right path to become one of the most developed countries in the region.

Iraqi people, as the rest of world citizens, deserve a peaceful prosper dignify life. And when they get and live that kind of normal life, they can and would contribute to world peace and stability. A beautiful day like this will always be hard to reach while USA and world leaders keen on recruiting and imposing corrupt ruthless rulers as Saddam and as most of the present Iraqi officials. Correcting this wrong policy will benefit Iraqis, American and the world.

After 13 years, I am happy Saddam is gone. But, I am sad USA and world leaders replaced him with hundreds of corrupt criminal Iraqi politicians and Islamic extremist.

Can the 13 years of sufferings and sad daily life for millions of Iraqis change from “ruination” to “liberation”? Yes, if USA and world leaders acknowledge their devastating wrong policies towards Iraq, stop funding and protecting the well-known corrupt Iraqi officials and the ruling Islamic parties, and immediately start listening to and supporting the millions caring honest secular Iraqis.

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