My Far Away Mister (24)

Freeyad Ibrahim
2016 / 8 / 3

My Far Away Mister (24)

poem: Hana al-Qadhi
translation by : Freeyad Ibrahim


There would be plenty of time
while we sit together and watch:
how this evening weaves its threads
We’d rouse the stars with our fingers
and ask them to decorate the sky for us

There would be lots of time
during which we’ll sip our morning coffee
we’d dissolve in its foam
let it paint our shades inside the cups
and write our letters that the winds read
There would be plenty of time
during which we’ll say,
all that we have never said before in our speech
we’d cut short all our grief and anguish
and forgive our lapses
and the admonishment we shall diminish
O my FarAway
the space here is dull and gloomy
nothing avails
I am still dreaming of all these things
I dream...that you
would come to me when the brightness prevails

translated from Arabic by: Freeyad Ibrahim

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