Calamities make Celebrities (1)

Freeyad Ibrahimh
2016 / 10 / 17

Calamities make Celebrities

by Freeyad Ibrahim


George Orwell,

This is his pen name, his real name is Eric Arthur Blair. Calamity struck his family. In one of his essays he wrote of himself, ‘why I write?”:
“ I underwent poverty, and the sense of failure, this increased my hatred of authority.” He is the one who produced the slogan of the Big Brother, of perpetual war, ‘war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.’
He used new terms in the politics such as: Tyranny symbolized by Big Brother, ministry of love, Ministry of Plenty, Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Truth (minitrue), Thought Criminals, Room 101.
‘ All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.’
Freeyad Ibrahim
(Kurdish English writer, poet, translator, political analyst, essayist, & novelist)


October, 2016


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