
Nadia Khalouf
2017 / 1 / 31

Avoid being lonely
Organisms live in groups. They can not live alone on this planet.
Aristotle, the Greek philosopher writes "Man is a social animal. He who lives without society is either a beast´-or-God".
We must get rid of loneliness, isolation and depression, so we have to communicate with the community. We need friendship to survive from loneliness.
Gorge Saundres writes : “any thing is possible stay open for ever ,so open it hurts then open up some more until the day you die.
World without end .Amen”
Loneliness is not some thing people want to experience.Every one gets lonely sometimes . Feeling lonely does not hav to mean that you are alone .Some people lonely even they are at party, and they feeling of being separate from around you.
The pain of loneliness is like the pain of hunger . it,s signal that something is wrong.
Loneliness is a universal human emotion. Loneliness has no single common cause. A lonely child has different needs that a lonely elderly man.
Sometimes you need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person but avoid being lonely. Sometimes loneliness is a feeling that’s comfortable, even strangely pleasant. It can be, if you allow it, a time to reconnect with yourself.
Sometimes you need to get away from people, but you have to go back again to the social life, Life without a society resembling hell .
Avoid being lonely.

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