The Palestinian Return march, What has returned?

Mahmoud Alkhatib
2018 / 5 / 24

Nothing speaks louder than blood, so it was said by the so called elders, dignitaries,´-or-wisemen of this society. Thus, nothing is known about these dignitaries except they are well established merchants, they know how to make the best benefit from all the shouts and cries of the griefed, they make the best benefit from the blood, from the torn bodies of the adults and children alike. Everything is turned into numbers, small numbers on news of killed, wounded, and imputated innocents become bigger numbers on the bank accounts of the ruling militias, become bigger numbers on the tables of negotiation.

These dignitaried are nothing but the bugs hanging to the crown and seats of presidents, prime ministers, members of parliament, and political parties and movements, secular and islamist, right and left, moderate and extremist. They all do nothing except political prostitution on the cost of the blood of the innocents of their own people. That blood which is more sacred than Mecca and Jerusalem, more valueable than the lives of Haneya, Abbas and their circles of hyopcrites.
To revive the short memory of the people of Gaza, one must mention the protests of 2012 by refugees calling to return to their homes. As those previous protests were not organized by Hamas, and Hamas had no political´-or-economic benefit coming out of these protests, the government in Gaza crushed these protests with sticks, stones, and gunfire when necessary.

On the other hand, the Great Return March this year, was totally backed by and called to by Hamas with the slogans of nationalism, religion, patriotism, and return. Since March, Hamas has been calling, advocating, recruiting, and bidding the literate and the illitrate, and poor and the desperate to march to the border fense which covers all the space around the strip. A call to being victimized, to receive bullets with naked chests, a call for suicide advertised with the delusion that Hamas would lead the masses to cross the fense to the homes and lands refugees flee when Israel was established in 1948. The end of the delusion was the fall of 120 civilians many of whom were children, women, journalists, and medical staff. In a scene showing the ugly face of the siege and yet showing the monsterous face of the ruling militia which takes the people of Gaza as hostages and material for trade in return of political and economic advantages.

Needless to mention the newly taken collective punishment measures by the Palestinian Authority, which stopped paying salaries to its employees in Gaza, to play a more bold and --dir--ect role in the siege against the common and orginary people of the Strip. The siege which made no Harm to Hamas arms and financial flow, as money is still flowing into the pocket of Hamas by Iran, Turkey, and Qatar. Meanwhile tens of Gazans die unable to travel for medical care, the leadership of Hamas (against which the siege was supposed to be imposed) can leave whenever they desire if they just make a phone call to the Egyptian side. The Siege was never imposed on anybody except the ordinary children, women, and men of Gaza. The collective punishment measures taken against Gaza by the Palestinian Authority are nothing but political gambling with the lives of the population. On the other hand machiavellism shows its ugliest face though Hamas s amassing the population against the fense, Hamas is aware that the situation in the Gaza Strip is catastrophic and the population would explode against it, it thinks it is better to --dir--ect that anger towards the border. through meaningless slogans, selling a delusion of a near victory and return, and taking advantage of the catastrophic economic situation dedicating 200--$-- to simple injuries up to 2000--$-- to the families of those killed. Hamas used the population to transmit a message to those concerned that it is in control of the blood flow, it can stop it,´-or-it can keep it flowing through the free of charge transportation to the clash sites and the calls on the mosques speakers.

All that blood was nothing but a price for some advantages for Hamas, starting with some countries sending humanitarian convoys to Gaza, carrying aid which will be solely distributed among the members and supporters of Hamas, while the surplus will be sold on Hamas owned malls and supermarkets, making nothing but new revenue to the new millionairs of the strip.

This blood was nothing but the price of making the wealthy more wealthier, so Haneya, Al-Zahar, Hammad, and the rest of Hamas leadership become multi millionairs where more than 60% of the population lives in poverty.

This blood which has been flowing for 70 years, is nothing but a material for sale to whoever pays more.

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