The tribe’s phenomena as a new social context in Iraqi political process

Hayder Aljouranj
2019 / 8 / 6

Obviously, tribes power start to show other affect as a social context in Iraq, as well as known, one of the fabric figures in society of Iraq tribes influence but that what was in such-limit- could be determined according to the governmental power´-or-law.
Step by step the tribes influence start in 1990s, at that time for specific reasons especially after Saddam Hussein withdraw from Kuwait, the call was for all the sheikhs of tribes to stand with the government as a moral support and trail of reset the texture of Iraq society, so that made almost the sheikhs run the call and they got several support as weapons (mostly Kalashnikov) and money also they classified on the basic of levels (Sheikh type A, Sheikh type B so that in slang speech people call some of new sheikhs *ninetieth sheikhs), this classification causing at that time some dividing and also cracking in tribes structures that reflect inter conflicts in one tribes between sub branch presidents inside the tribes, even though the tribes influence still closed to solve social problems´-or-conflicts as a one of the traditional social context, in that sense society appreciate that for social peace.
After 2003, when the ethnic conflict rise up in 2006, one of the successful strategy in the war followed by U.S army is to by so near from the people by supporting the sheikhs in hot provinces specifically in Anbar, then Al-Sahwat as a armed group founded by some tribes in Anbar, the tactic was succeed by reducing the violence also to remove Al-Qaida’s control from those areas, lately the uncomfortable cooperation between the sheikhs started when they start to be in competitions in being nearer for the collations forces and the government, but that still closed between higher level of some of the sheikhs are took the contact secretly in deferent channels to get the support, through this time many of politicians do corruptions to get few of tribes commitment to gain many votes in the elections times.
Gradually, after ISIS controlling wide areas, tribe witnessed transformations in its social texter, the tribes start to establish kind of powerful by reacting by violence against any fighting between tribes members which was be solved easily in previous time, the phenomena is (DAGA) means using principle and middle weapons for several hours attacks´-or-might be take longer, almost several people killed rather than injured form both sides.
The phenomena start to be more familiar and common, start to be out of the control of governmental power´-or-security forces, now a days the most danger indications start to appear, the tribes start to organized (Tribes political board), the board responsible to have a contact with politicians and leaders of political parties to make and cooperation according of the negotiations before hands.
The significance of paying attention for this phenomenon is make the question under line (Dose the new democracy considering this new way of building the new Iraq? If it is Ok, how the constitution could be protected if the members of parliament they will be protected by them tribes?).

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