Recognizing Mistakes as a Development Instrument

Marwan Hayel
2020 / 6 / 16

Why is it so difficult to say elementary words: “I m sorry, I was (a) wrong (a)”? The problem is that for many people this behavior violates their belief in their own ideals. But don t perfect people make mistakes? commit , They simply recognize them, analyze and correct them .
It is likely that the recognition of errors beats pride, But, a person who notices and acknowledges his mistakes can be more proud of himself than someone who ignores them .
When we acknowledge a mistake, it becomes our past. If we deny our wrongness, we continue to drive in circles. There is nothing shameful in admitting mistakes. At least we show that we have become wiser than we were in the past .
mistakes are normal, they are part of the human being. Mistakes are our lessons. Few people, having learned to drive, at least once did not scratch the car, few tried to build a relationship at least once did not feel pain. accepting the fact that many of our actions grew out of mistakes .
Mistakes in no way humiliate us, on the contrary, their adoption indicates the maturity of your approach to solving problems and your ability to correct and change something .
still try to look at the specific events in your life. Why are you even reading this article? I will risk assuming that either you are haunted by an event of the past that prevents you from living calmly further,´-or- you did it again. Events of the past taught you nothing, you stepped on the same rake and are looking for a way out of a vicious circle .

Dr. Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula

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