struggle for nothing

nouisel abdsalam
2008 / 7 / 23

I wonder;why is Moroccan Educational University System sharply tough and difficult to deal with ?why do we,as Moroccan students,have to handle twelve subjects in every semister,while other students, throughout the world,have to handle only five or six subjects as a maximum?do we have a distinctive brain which has the full abilities and skills to serve all these subjects from other people in the world ? do we,as students of English Department,articulate and speak English better than American and British people who are referred to as native speakers of this language ?do our professors often asemble to come up with relevant solutions to this issue,or they believe in the phrase ‘every man for himself’ ?does government atempt to solve students’ problems such as transportation , scholarship ,and others?what do we want to be in the future,in other words,can we fulfil our dreams and plans under the dificulties of this system ?

As usual,waking up in the early morning,washing my face and hands,having my breakfast,and asking my father to give me twenty or twenty five DHs(Dirhams) as a transportation fee.To where i go and with whom i meet !!!!.I think to university which becomes my second residence after home.It is a diverse world where i meet my friends everyday,they are all the best and most hard working students.Sometimes we are driven insane and we do not know what to do,because our minds have a mess inside.Even tough we differ from each other in terms of many activities such as the way we dress,the way we think,and the way we anwser the questions of any exam in any subject.However,there is something in common shared among us ; that is , we all suffer from the lower grades.

Why does this happen to us ?it is not easy to anwser this question.Psycologically speaking,there is an area in our brain which is responsable for storing any language we acquire whether individually or socially.This erea does not take a large place in the brain,but just a small place in the left side of it,which is called’left himespher’.And also,there are many areas exist in the brain,each of which is responsable for an activity.They are all organized and doing their functions orderly and properlly.But when our brain is damaged,everything seems gloomy and not clear.In spite of the fact that we study or rather specify ourselves in learning English language,we sometimes feel stress and frustration about the buzy program.As far as English Department is concerned,teachers tend to give us a large amout of handouts,articles,and even books that must be read throughout a semester.When it comes to that,one devotes all his/her time asking how…

During the whole semester,students thinking about which subject they begin with first,though all of them are obligatory to be covered at the same time.In this case,one must semultanously do things no matter how she/he can manege them.In fact,im not reproaching our teachers by not doing their jobs as should be,but im writing this article with my heart’s native language to show that we are,students,invaded montally and physically,while we do not get time to think about our own health.I do believe that we are at an intelectual war in the sense that teachers are the student’s enemy.

Having mentioned the human brain,it is extremely hard to deal with different things at the same time.That is what exactly happens with the students of Englih Department at Mohammed the fifth University of Letter and Human Sciences,Rabat,Morocco.I personally can not bear twelve subjects in a semester,but i have to do it in any case.Because we are not titled to object what is not suitable for us.we are taken as servants of this educational system and must obey the rules on which it based.unfortunatly,this system always fails and screws up;that is why the servants of this system screw up and do not succeed in their performance.

Lately,hundreds of students have dropped out and took another path which may or may not has a ray of hope to survive,and hundreds blocked off all the modules to have a break away from the university.The reason tightly applies to the system which makes their lives turn into hell and lasting pains.Most students can not persue their studies till the end,because they suffer from various forms of problems,including domestic problems that caused by the parents,such as quarrel,divorce and so on,material problems which means that students are unable to spend two dollars a day to reach the university,and the timing problem which is flixible to change any time.Students always expect to face changes in time table(schedule) everyday,because teachers are in charge of many activities and tasks outside the university;that is why they can not guarantee to come on the time mentioned in the schedule.However,the university adminstration does not take any legal action against the mess that teachers make.Because the dean of the faculty himself has once been teaching and doing the same things.

Last but not least,this system with which students are trying to acclimatize themselves makes such a tirreble intilectual shock to American and British students.From my experience,i have met thousands of them and we talked about educational system in Morocco,U.S. and Britain concerning the methodology of learning a certain language.To be honest,they kept their mouth widely open when i started talking and describing Moroccan University System.They could not stand the idea of twelve subjects in a semester.Indeed i agree and appreciate their wonder towards our system because they know the consequences of it.Therefore,studing under these circumstances never let us develop and broaden our knowledge and succed in the future,but it contributes to destroy what we have already done and keeps us illeterate and behind the borders of knowledge.

As a way to summary,i personally confess that the university system in Morocco is more or less identical to the prison system in the sense that students are the presoners within the cells(classes) of the university by repeating a subject,module or even the whole year.Therefore,one prefers not to attend classess regularly and becomes feeling the hostility towards education generally which will motivate him not to continue his study in Morocco.And this latter will generate the most dangerous phenomenon that Arab governments complain from,this phenomenon is called "Brain Drain"-process in which skilled and cleaver people live their country to study,work and live in other countries-.

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