The Borderline

Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim
2008 / 9 / 16

Of course I knew I was on the borderline when I ran to the place, so I stopped and lay on the grass. I must have been tired for I had been running for some minutes now. I really liked running particularly long distances and I admired all marathon runners. But now after I had broken my legs I was not fit any more to run long distances and I got even tired after a few minutes. But I found an alternative. Oddly I could walk long distances without getting tired and I even thought of crossing borders walking. I tried many places but whenever I arrived somewhere I decided to leave after a short time. Now I reached a place where I could think it over in the hope of finally finding a place that suited me most and stay longer.

I knew I didn’t have the stamina to do anything long. I wondered how people could live somewhere all their life or live with somebody that long. Life is too short for that. I remember after I decided to give my books away and when I gave one to a colleague. He looked at it first and then handed it back to me saying: Life is too short for that. “We needed a law” he said “which forbade being married or living somewhere for more than 10 years”. Then I remembered my former brother-in-law saying: I think nobody should have the right to buy a piece of land. You should only be able to lease it for not more than a 100 years. Thanks God I thought our modern life was becoming faster and more short- lived.

Since I broke my legs I had been on the run or maybe that was some kind of original instinct like the way nomads or birds change places with the change of the weather. Some might call it a kind of restlessness and would say I needed to be kind to my legs. I mean I knew complete independency didn’t t exist but I wanted it. I fell asleep but when I woke up my two hands were cramped and stiff as dried wood. I was now tied down to the ground and couldn’t fly. But they said after all it was my own borderline. I had to stay there now.

Bremen, 14 September 2008

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