Iraq & the proposed Promises

Mazin Fisal Al-Baldawi
2008 / 12 / 29

It’s not fair to say that any analyzer whom is close enough to the Iraqi scene can expect more quick results of the whole political Rebuilding Renovating processes as the conclusion of the meanwhile under renovation parts is still under going further to the rebuilding process of the parts which had been damaged during the last 30 years about .
The Main Issue is that the whole society is suffering under a lot of negative factors which is affecting the normal people life starting from the normal civil services ending with the violence, and what’s between them is having more effective elements that hadn’t been healed by the central Government neither the local council of those suffering cities.

It’s a real critic issue when such things are touching down normal people’s life and No one pushing on to cure out those negative factors an their side or direct affection on people’s life, here we stop to find out about what’s the people will do? Whom they are going to ask for help them to go through! So all of people or most of them had got a big disappointment of the political parties which promise people to work on lifting up the pressure that they are under it since long time ago…………but nothing had been done till today at least to let people convinced that the political parties are really working on what did they talk about it and things needs time to be cured Out.

In Matter of fact that the majority of Iraqi People are Tired enough to play out with their feelings and keep them dreaming in a GOOD FUTURE ,most of them have no patience to stay still waiting for a next Five years to find out any progress will be Done! The Generations whom lived along the past thirty years and still survive are waiting the fruit of their patience along that Dark Period of time and were very keen to assist any party whom they feel it’s working for the High national benefit, but when they’ve found out that the selfish benefits of some political parties had been replaced with the national Benefits and those parties are getting a benefits wrestling ,so people begin to stay aside and watching the whole view again to find out how things are going to be.
No doubt that one of the most effective factors was the Non stable situation of Security! And it was really a wide Gap on the way to reach the other side of the Hill of stability joined by the waves of the Bad economic sector which needs by itself a high support of the Globe to assist healing this Important and critical sector, thenafter we can say it was Not fair to expect any Quick Good results with such passed Time period and it’s a must to get more time to cure out the whole situation.

The Infra structure part of the whole country is a real demand of the whole Iraqi people community as they know that there is No real Infra structure for a real life of people further to the Oil Industry sector Infra structure which needs more renovation or rebuilding to Keep the Oil Industry working on to feed up the country’s Treasury ministry as it be aside with the planning Ministry letting it to control it’s plans for the economic sector of the country, so we ask when Those things will be done? And how long it will takes to be done! Such questions are a daily concern of people whom needs to know how can they live their day and plan for their future, such Country which is one of the most proposed rich countries on the world and it’s people can’t get the minimum level of normal civil services or even the minimum level of health care, medication, electricity, pure drinking water! The funny part is that exactly they are getting the opposite of those subjects like cholera, Non qualified Hospitals , No purified drinking water , and the most effective factor is the Non full secure stable situation all over the country.

It’s really went far away of what had been expected to be done on land regarding the huge volume of promises & Talk from different parties on both levels, the Local & the Global ones ,so people are under real pressure and No one can expect what’s this pressure going to cause up.

People are not asking for the Full Human Rights,they are asking for the Minimum Level of It,so look how generous are they!

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