Conscious Eating: Understanding & Changing Emotional Eating

Maria Khalife
2010 / 6 / 13

“Our Relationship to food is a perfect Reflection of our relationship to Life itself” Geneen Roth

I believe that we eat the way we live, and that our relationship to food, money, love is an exact reflection of our deepest held beliefs about ourselves and the amount of joy, abundance, pain, scarcity, we believe we have (or are allowed) to have in our lives. Rather than pushing away the "crazy" things we do, my work proceeds with the conviction that our actions and beliefs make exquisite sense, and that the way to transform our relationship with food is to be open, curious and kind with ourselves-instead of punishing, impatient and harsh.
Many people want to lose weight because they believe it will make them happy and stop their pain. So it s not so much the weight they want to lose, but the pain.
Breaking free from emotional eating is about finally trusting that something else exists besides pain, sorrow, hatred, and suffering; and that there is a rhythm, an order, and a natural push for light in every single one of us.

There is so much information available today about dieting and so many diets available that most people find the subject very confusing. As well, different diets will tell to you to eat as many carbohydrates as possible, while others tell you to eat none. Many concentrate on consuming as much protein as possible, while others tell you to avoid protein rich foods entirely. It is no wonder that people find the subject overwhelming and it is no surprise that there are so many "yo-yo" dieters today.

Question your thinking, Change your life
Do you eat to fill emotional voids?
Do you eat to ward off pain and anger?
Do you feel guilty after eating a meal in which you couldn’t control your appetite?

It s Not About the Food

Diets typically fail because the dieter isn t addressing their real issues. It s not about the food, and it s not about the weight, those are superficial issues. The real driving force is deeper, usually hidden from your conscious mind. That is why it seems so hard to make a change. No matter how hard you try, no matter what diet you ve endured, nothing changes. Obesity is not a disease, but rather a symptom of one or more underlying emotional issues, and those emotional issues can be resolved, without pills, drugs or surgery.
Remember that our thoughts create our reality….. See your body as the miracle it is.
Love it and it will nourish your life

Why can one person eat so much more than another? Is it their metabolism and good genes, or do their thought patterns have an influence? If you are thinking how fat you are with every bite, with every waking moment, you are feeding your subconscious mind the idea, "I m fat." Your brain will gladly support that belief by driving you to desire more to eat, making it more difficult for you to follow through with your plan to make a change.

Conscious Eating
Conscious eating is a mindful approach to eating that involves the whole you- your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and body. It is perhaps the most essential of all acts of self-care. It is not a fad diet, a Hollywood secret, or a religious movement. Simply put, conscious eating is paying attention to the foods you eat and the manner in which you eat them. It’s nature’s way. You’ll be surprised at what happens when you start down the path of conscious eating. By learning how to pay attention to the foods you buy, prepare, and eat, you’ll free yourself from destructive habits .Rather than leaving the table feeling overstuffed and lethargic, you’ll be energized and full of positive energy. You’ll find yourself eating less but enjoying it more. In a sense, conscious eating is the anti-diet- and yet it may be more likely to help you lose weight and keep it off than any short- term program. By tuning in more closely to your own rhythms, habits, and needs, you slowly but surely transform the way you feel about food, making you less likely to fall into spiraling habits of mindless eating and poor food choices.

Before you can address these unhealthy practices, you need to forge a respectful relationship with your meals. Meals should be a special, sacred time, a pause in your day- a chance to relax, unwind, and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones. After all the origin of the word” restaurant” is from the French verb, restorer, which means to restore. Food is to be savored and appreciated. Be warned, though. Once you start down the path of conscious eating, there’s no turning back.
When you learn to eat consciously, you’ll see more than just food in a whole new light. You’ll see yourself that way, too.

Heal your Body
The Mental Causes For Physical Illness And the Metaphysical Way to overcome them
By using the:
Healing Affirmation By Louise Hay
In order to permanently eliminate a condition, we must first work to dissolve the mental cause of it and replace it with a new pattern that is healthier and supportive.
This is why affirmation is a good tool to help you overcome certain conditions especially if you are experiencing resistance in your desired area to reach your goal.

Probable cause
fear , Needing protection. Judging the emotions.

New thought pattern:
I am safe. It is safe to feel. My feelings are normal and acceptable .

Anorexia :
Probable cause. Protecting the self. Not trusting life

New thought pattern: love and approve of myself. I am safe. Life is safe and joyous.

Tips to eating consciously

Look forward to your food
What do you anticipate most about the food you’re about to eat?
Is it the cool crunch, the spicy taste, the creamy consistency?
Bask for a moment in pure expectation.
Then allow yourself to enjoy your food.

Slow Down
One way to lengthen and slow your eating experience ( which will help you digest) is to see eating as a process.
Really feel your jaw muscles engaging, your throat moving, as the food travels from mouth to stomach. Visualize the food delivering energy to all parts of your body, bathing your internal organs in nutrients.

Sometimes we become so accustomed to sound that we don’t even hear it. What does your environment sound like right now?
Is it noisy? Chaotic?
Do you hear birds or traffic, kids playing?
Don’t get involved with the sound or react to it; simply acknowledge it and let it go.

Let go of Physical tension
Try this before you eat: Stand up and shake your hands, arms, feet and legs.
Roll your shoulders. Take a deep breath and let it out with a “ha!” sound. Pull your arms up overhead and stretch from side to side. Try to release as much tension as you can before eating

Eat well; be happy, till next time.

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