
Abdel-Aziz Haider
2010 / 7 / 25


who is breaking this arch of the blossoming sleepy under the eyelids?
Who is breaking in of this dream .... Rose .... And flooding on the shores of most sad longing and suffering and hardship ......!!

And crazy love suspended to the tip of beauty braids

Or between the fingers of the feet of a boy fascinated by playing ball ..... colors
Or in the mouth of newly borne who recognize the first sweet laugh at the dawn ...?

Who is bewitching this earth?
And filling it with the fruits and times and .human being......

Dancing with the poplar trees ....??

as crystal in sun face?? glancing Who is
Who is fascinating the poets eye??
And joking with flowers the Minstrels throat
Who is filling what is behind-the-hill, reddish twilight?
And embroidering the gown of this night with stars
Who is that witch playing with Colors
And ripening the moments of joy with wine of words
Who is barking in the valleys of the mind
And awakens the rain of the memory in the abandoned awareness forest
Who is jumping over the death and crossing the times rings?
Magician ........
This Devil s crowned as king in the Kingdom of eternal disobedience

Abdel-Aziz Haider

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