Your Response Is Always Perfect

Maria Khalife
2010 / 8 / 15

Your Response Is Always Perfect

“My definition of success is total self acceptance. We can obtain all of the material possessions we desire quite easily, however, attempting to change our deepest thoughts and learning to love ourselves is a monumental challenge.” ~ Franki

Each of us is an individual, and individuality is our personal usage of all that we were provided with when we were born into this earth experience. We each came with a mentality and it’s body, with it’s set of virtues, and with all it’s faculties. Each of us had the same package of raw materials when we arrived and not one of us uses these raw materials in the same way. This is your individuality and it deserves honor. It’s from your individuality and your experiences that your responses are born.

We find that we frequently second-guess ourselves and our responses and when we analyze our own, we do this through the faculty of comparison. Well, comparisons seldom serve us well unless we acknowledge that it is perfectly okay for us to be who we are, think what we think, and respond as we respond. Comparisons can be odious.

There is great beauty in your individuality and it should be both honored and discussed. It’s perfectly acceptable for us to react the way we do. It’s completely acceptable for us to feel the way we do. Don’t question your legitimacy for your reaction to an event. Each of our reactions – and there’s an unlimited potential for the quantity of different reactions – tells us and others who we are, someone to be respected, to be listened to, to be admired and applauded.

There is an automatic response system set up inside of us that determines how we will react to stimuli. This system is completely dependent on the experiences we’ve had in our lives. I remember a scene from the movie “Anne Franck” which I saw as a young child. The horror of Anne’s existence affected me deeply and there is never a time when I hear the klaxon of a European Police Car that I don’t flash back in fear to that movie. That’s my first reaction. My reasoning ability then takes over and I remind myself that I am not in 1944 war-torn Europe.

In one of the best-selling self help books ever published, I’m OK; You’re OK, Doctor Thomas Harris acknowledges that in humankind, there are so many different kinds of personalities, but that the behavior used by each of them can be accepted and dealt with.

We frequently find ourselves comparing our responses to our friends or co-workers, and sometimes we put ourselves down for our own, most natural reactions because they are different from others. Those reactions arise from your individuality and your experiences. These others did not experience your life, nor did you experience theirs. I believe the American Indians were most wise when they said “Walk a mile in my shoes.” Only by living your experience can any other begin to fathom what motivates you. Each of us is a wonderful individual and each of our stories is a tribute to that individuality. It is wise to honor the you that you have become.

“It s not the situation ... It s your reaction to the situation.” ~ Robert Conklin

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