Rosa Parks: Lessons for Iraqi politicians

Talal Alrubaie
2011 / 1 / 8

Rosa Parks was an African American seamstress who is remembered for her bravery and civil courage, and how she helped bring racial segregation in America to an end.
On December 1, 1955 she was ordered, according to the racist laws then, to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery Alabama bus. When she refused to move, the bus driver had her arrested. She was fined for breaking the law.
Parks’ action led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which lasted for over a year. It was led by Martin Luther King. He urged African Americans in Montgomery not to use the city buses and demanded an end to segregation. In the months during the boycott African Americans in Montgomery were threatened and attacked. In 1956 the American Supreme Court ruled that segregation on buses was illegal.
What Rosa Parks did gave the civil rights movement more momentum. In the years that followed African Americans fought harder for equal rights until, finally, in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed.
The bravery and civil courage of Rosa Parks stand in stark contrast to the self-serving, civil cowardice, and greedy conducts characterizing the political scenes in today’s Iraq.
Her story teaches us so many valuable lessons about bravery and civil courage, which are, regrettably, in a short supply in Iraq now, as corruption, forgery of academic qualifications and oppression of civil rights have become endemic and a manifestation of an irresolvable crisis of the whole political system in Iraq.
In today’s Iraq we need people like Rosa Parks to become our leaders, be they men or women and irrespective of their religious and ethnic affiliation. We do not need the coward followers of destructuive social or religious traditions (???) and habits who masquerade as big leaders or emancipators: BIG BROTHES who watch over us in the name of self-acclaimed wisdom and realism (read reactionism, a word that has become almost a taboo in the political bazaar of Iraq nowadays), and keep calling us to order whenever they feel the slightest hint that their sacred tradition or self-serving book of behavioral grammar is not adhered to in a blindfolded and dogmatic fashion.
These ‘leaders or intellectuals’!!!’ are, as Gramsci well explained, are a part of the hegemony of the entrenched social and cultural, fatally oppressive structures one has to do away with, in order to be able to lead to freedom and safeguard human integrity. These followers (masquerading as leaders) are, despite or because of their surface opposition, are very dangerous as they confuse people, muddy water and use ready-made pretexts of wisdom and realism to advance their doctrines, and hence they block the real way to freedom and happiness. They are the arch enemies of civil rights and the perpetrators and perpetuators of the oppression of civil rights, despite the ear-deafening claims to the contrary by some of them.

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