Specificity of the period of transition in the ex-Soviet states

Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
2011 / 2 / 1

The transition process in the former socialist states developed in a different intensity degree, as compared to the politic situation, the position of the politic forces in the state structures and the drawn up economic programs.
But, not taking into account these aspects, characteristic for the politic system of some of the states of the east-European region is the search and the establishing of a consensus between the main politic forces in the view of aiming at the common target- the successful outrunning of the difficulties of the transition period and the constitution of a civilized democratic society.
By analyzing the transition period in the newly emerged sovereign states in the ex-Soviet space, we can mention some common features of this one with the pattern of the transformations in the post-socialist-countries. However, this process was substantially influenced by inner factors, offering a character specific to the transition period in this space.
A distinctive feature of the transition period in the states from the ex-Soviet Union is made up by the weak influence of the constitutionalism ideas, the liberalism towards democracy, ideas which form the essence of the state politics in the constitutional accidental systems.
The main issue lies in the fact that, the patterns of the less far-off past inevitably influence the present.
The legacy left from the Soviet period proved to be far worse than most of the people could imagine, and this legacy is reflected more in the people’s minds than in the economic structure.
During the transition period, in the states enlisted above, period which exceeds ten years, the political reforms usually limit themselves to the issue of the elections based on the principle of the political pluralism. These transformations were usually made by well-settled political forces, by forces in the actions of which predominated and continues to predominate the general interests of the society and not the individual or group interests.
The reorganization of the economic system in the post-Soviet space has also, some specificity. The politic requests determined in the reorganization of the economy consisted of the clear formulation of the direction in the economical politics of this period, which must be accepted and widely sustained by the population.
As concerning the discussed matters, we can conclude that, in the states emerged on the territory of the former Soviet Union the prospect of the ending of the transition period is not so clear. It is to be observed in these states, a tear between the social-economic development and the politic institutionalization of the changes which occur as well as a lack of the political stability, which doesn’t allow us to discuss the passing to the next phase of the transformations - “the major consolidated democracy.”

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