An insight into the Egyptian up-rise

Ramsis Hanna
2011 / 2 / 2

From the very beginning of the Egyptian youths’ up-rise on January, Tuesday 25th 2011, people felt some sort of relief as they found that there are still youths, in Egypt, who are able to break the barriers of silence and dumbness, and to destroy the prisons of fear and timidity. And the majority of the Egyptian elders (elderly people) was stunned and surprised by their sons and daughters whom once they thought they were mere spoilt adolescents who were disabled by their very unhealthy environments of education, politics and economy.

These youths were able to start their great feat by throwing their idols off their pedestals, a stage rarely reached before the age of forties in societies where religion is the most dominant thought on people’s minds whether as a cover or as a core.

And most people were so sympathetic and happy about their youths’ feat for different psychological reasons. Firstly, it restored their trust and confidence in their sons and daughters. Secondly, this is their deeply oppressed desire and wish which they dared not freely express for such a long time. Thirdly, this is the stage which they should have reached before their sons and daughters did; thus they feel still immature, and as if these youths are completing and perfecting the stage of their parents’ maturity. Finally, this youths’ feat revived, in the spirits, the hope in the change feasibility which was almost nil.

And because this youth feat is neutral and authentic and moreover without any trend bias, it proves that these youths are really patriotic, organized, civilized and typical Egyptians. Their EGYPTIANITY is the pure source of their fuel, zeal and enthusiasm. They DO NOT belong to any frozen party in Egypt. Even though these youths are the products of global media (the internet: facebbook and twitter), they have not lost their locality or nationality; they want their EGYPT to be part and parcel of the world not to individualize her as an antagonist to the world. They want her to be a main participant and partner of the world civilization. They want the world rights, fraternity, equality, justice, freedom and world reconciliation.

And because this youth movement is neutral and independent, no political or religious groups can claim the right to jump or take over its harvest. The hyenas ‘who’ are waiting for the fruit or prey’s fall to devour are the most dangerous to the youth movement. These hyenas want to harvest what they have never sowed or grown.

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