The Vicious Circle of Lawlessness and Outlawing (1)

Ramsis Hanna
2011 / 2 / 5

The quo de facto in Egypt now needs to be neutrally evaluated and reevaluated, and intrinsically and comprehensively scrutinized so as to find an outlet for this blocked miry ditch where the Egyptian stallion has stumbled in and is still muddling without reaching a decisive resolution that can bring her out of this vicious circle where the protesters and demonstrators outlaw the system and vice versa. And meanwhile it seems that each opponent wins new ground, no matter how much this ground is, which gives each side an impression that they are right with some wrong and the others are wrong with some right; a situation that results in a state of stubbornness and bullheadedness which may delay Egypt from merging into a new morning with a new sun.

No observant person can deny the state of corruption that has swept over the Egyptian aspects of life presented in all official systems’ performances beginning with education as base and ending with the parliament and presidency as top. And no one can deny the abject poverty that grinds the majority of ordinary Egyptian people who are not able to cope up with the soaring prices of all basic commodities and articles necessary for the continuation of daily lives of this ground class. Again, this state of corruption has secreted a parasitical layer (class) that has accumulated huge riches and wealth as a result of sucking the blood of the under layer (lower class) without leaving even their crumbs to this poor layer (class) so that they can live on and hence supplying them with their blood. Thus, when the under layer (poor class) has been weakened; even eroded (unable to hold on), the top layer (upper class) has collapsed.

On the other hand, the state of corruption has secreted a weird stigma in Egypt, not known to any free or despotic systems in the world. Hypocrisy, a state where you show something completely different from or opposite to what you hide, is the most malicious condition on both individual and social levels. It is the natural secretion and product of distrust of your surroundings, environment and habitat. Thus, hypocrisy leads to duality, lying and extremism in a way that makes one lose oneself as is dissolved in arrogance, selfishness and narcissism; and this is the state of anarchy and chaos on the individual level; and let the picture of the social level to your imagination.

Hypocrisy applies to the government when it pretends to support the broad social class (the poor lower class) while in fact it has sold them to the rich class. Take the Egyptian Parliament: it pretends to be the watchdog to the government but it is in fact its obeying servant. Another example: the Muslim Brotherhood pretends to be the opponent of the government but in fact Muslim Brotherhood is keen on keeping the life of this government longer because the government environment is the most suitable soil for the Muslim Brotherhood to win more and more ground. Also, the government pretends to be secular and to outlaw the Muslim Brotherhood; yet in fact it is religious one and supports them as they function as a scarecrow. Even the constitution is full of conflicting articles that has led to its nihilism. Finally we come to what is called opposition parties. Although these parties are breathing, eating, sleeping and excreting in their beds, they have no effect or influence on normal people or field life. They consider themselves strong opposition; yet they are only nagging about negligence and disinterest.

in conclusion we find that corruption, which has spread in bones of most political establishments to the marrow in Egypt, has created a hypocrite environment where parasites (upper class) can grow and live on other hosts (lower class) whose turn or change may destroy the parasites and so on.

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