the problem and the competence

Marwan Hayel Abdumoula
2011 / 3 / 8

Problem-from the Greek. Problema - problem in a broad sense of complex theoretical and practical issue that requires study, permits, and in science - a controversial situation, serving as the opposing positions in the explanation of any phenomena, objects, processes and requiring an adequate theory for permission. An important prerequisite for the successful solution of the problem. is its correct formulation. or pseudo gone towards the resolution of real problems.
competence, has some major advantages. Firstly, this notion is expressed by the value of a bridge traditional triad of "knowledge, skills. "
Secondly, it is expedient to apply for a description of the caliber of person - the graduates. Target setting for the preparation of highly qualified professionals who are very good profession, are only wishes, competence is down to earth and realistic goal.
Socio-psychological component of managerial competence of the Chief provides adequate in the area of interpersonal perception and interaction, the ability to prevent conflict situations, flexibility, leadership style and communication skills - ability to establish and maintain necessary contacts with other people.
Therefore, any competent person, or not in relation to the required level of performance.
Local government is the level of public administration, an independent political and territorial entity, and therefore the determination of his competency should be based on a national competence.
Effectiveness of public administration is determined by the presence of a clear competence for all levels of public authority.
The second component of competence are the authority, which consist of two elements - the rights and responsibilities.
many people suffer from incompetent staff especially from the police where many employees that make the workplace and its competentce, tool for pressure and earn free money sometimes reaches the case that the head complicates Your right to obtain a passport or simply if you do not pay a bribe then forget about a driver s license, or he can just do what you can not pass exams even he can use psychological pressure to cancel without reason your programming exam .
in Romania have been many cases of bribery in exchange for a driver s license and called this case the factory (driver s license).
for example for sums between 100 and 200 euros, five policemen from service permits were arrested in Bucharest ,to obtain a driving license in exchange for money were made through self instructors and give the money was for students to promote practical test car.
in the towns of Arges, Bacau, Vrancea, Arad, Satu Mare, Cluj, Bucharest. I just deleted some of the problems investigators in recent years, the map obtained with bribes permits industry.
romania has the toughest road traffic across the EU, and is the first in the number of accidents and deaths on sosele.Cauza main features are speed, and those guilty of these offenses are the ones they gave bribes to obtain driving license.while the police will not take decent, psychologically healthy, normal pay them money, and for exceeding their authority - seriously punish - nothing sense will not.under the professional competence implies the ability to official person to successfully solve related to its competence problem.
Competence is not the power to show, it no place for abuse of power, and it is a problem for poorly trained Specialists competence-the ability of workers qualitatively and correctly perform their functions, both in normal and extreme conditions.
it should be noted that no competent professionals in the structures of state institutions is a moral power inflation
especially when the state has a large supply of competent professionals, which can not participate in management activities because of the lack of constructive communication between the central and local government,and also because of the lack of serious Partin norms and morality,and because of the personal interests of certain people in power do not keep competent workers for their manipulation and use in party and electoral campaigns.
Incompetent people are concentrated usually the police and customs officers in the army,they are under the pretext independent of politics they occur simultaneously in separate rooms of politicians and there accept orders,because of these people with two persons suffering the state and citizens.problem and competence are found only in that state where corruption and officials associated with each other.
Professional competence, complex formation is the ability of the worker qualitatively and accurately carry out their functions is the ability of a creative approach to professional work and the effectiveness of this construction of the educational process.

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