psychological motives of terrorism

Marwan Hayel abdumoula
2011 / 3 / 13

The human psyche is composed of two significantly different by volume of the parts - the conscious and unconscious, also known as the subconsciousIn . in the mind and the subconscious is a lot of things and problem.
The definition of psychological problem - it is a problem related to the psyche can not determine is a phenomenon of a psychological problem or not. The question arises, what is the problem associated with the psyche?
Mental illness and psychological problems all the same different phenomena, although it may be related.
For example, the fear of speech in public (psychological problem), no evidence of mental illness.
For most people the most basic psychological problem is the lack of meaning. Psychiatrists,this problem is known from since jung . It was he who rightly pointed out that the main motive force in human life is the need for finding meaning.However, it is usually hidden behind a variety of activities or other conflicts that make people forget about the existence of this problem.
Most of the psychoneurotic problems, as well as many physical problems are caused by the basic fact that people do not give life any meaning. Everything seems pointless and futile, and despair generates strong negative emotions, which can cause a violation of mental and bodily functions.Many of our diseases come from the wrong way from the wrong choice, psychology studies the laws of the Laws - the highest criterion upon which to make decisions about their lives. If there is no criterion, and selection can be done, Begin suffering, and after that, and disease. And if the criterion is selfish, despicable, criminal, small-minded it is difficult to cure.
The wrong choice usually is it Nervous and mental disorders, promiscuity and acute conditions, schizophrenia, paranoia, depression, sadness, hatred, jealousy, anger, wrong attitude towards marriage and family, lack of responsibility, caring and compassion,New attitude toward man that doeth evil, should be the same as any other patient, because evil is a manifestation of the disease.
incorrect selection criteria always have a disease, evil and murder, terrorism, Kamikazi. It should be noted that terrorism is a dangerous phenomenon because the terrorism is needs people with psychological problems.People in a terrorist organization, as a rule, is forced to live an underground existence. Accordingly, the terrorist contacts with society are severely limited, but the intensity of contacts with people involved in terrorism professionally.There is a fast inculturation in his environment In the system of world essential image of the enemy,which aims at the destruction ,and every terrorist feels like a hero , but some of them people with a pronounced defect of personality,there are those who are sick Higher ideas and consciously going to commit a terrorist act,among terrorists, many persons who in his childhood, his youth were humiliated, could not assert themselves, they are people who were not able to realize their ideas,installed a number of the normal type to a psychopath, the majority of comparative studies found no apparent mental abnormality in most cases,individuals with particular personal predispositions are on the path of terrorism,Terrorists have qualified as an idealist and as a schizophrenic, as fanatics and sadists like how flawed people, a notorious, self-affirming, devoured by personal ambition and lust for power or the thirst for destruction and despair as people morally deaf and as martyrs of the highest moral imperative, as criminals as heroes,They are characterized by a firm belief in the possession of the absolute, sole and ultimate truth, a belief in a messianic mission, a higher and unique a mission for the salvation or happiness of mankind. Belief in the mission can be called dark, a purely emotional.
There are the following social and characterological features of individuals susceptible to indoctrination; isteroidy, persons with paranoid mindset, psychasthenic, dependent personality type, individuals from families with overprotective, people from broken families, individuals from dysfunctional families, persons with disabilities;survivors of severe psihotravmy, persons with advanced eidetic perception hallucination in reality, people are prone to confabulation kind of false memories, hallucinations, memories, children, grandchildren and relatives of cultists or terrorists.
Along with the social factors that determine terrorist acts, special attention should be the psychological aspects of the problem,It is necessary to explain not only the specific act of terrorism and its causes, but the whole phenomenon of terrorism in general. Knowledge of the psychology of terrorism can also understand, from whom we can expect appropriate action,terrorists are not only strengthens his narcissism, but also achieves personal identity completely hidden in it,The need for identity can be very strong among those who in one form or another has been estranged from the environment, suffered setbacks in employment, in education, in personal life or in other spheres of life.
terrorism presents a mortal danger to all humanity, is no secret what a threat to all humanity bears a relatively new flavor of terrorism, as nuclear terrorism,and other actions as an attack on nuclear facilities and the use of nuclear materials, radioactive materials or radioactive sources, or poisonous, toxic, hazardous chemical or biological substances.
acts of terrorism become global and increasingly threaten the security of many countries have a strong psychological pressure on their citizens, entail enormous political, economic and moral losses take away more lives nor innocent people,terrorist activity suggests the existence of many terrorist organizations that interact with each other, have a rigid organizational structure, with units of intelligence and counterintelligence,logistical and outreach, provides an extensive network of secret shelters, the presence of agents in the public and law enforcement.
Erich Fromm rightly notes that often the man-narcissist reaches a sense of confidence is not at the expense of their labors and achievements And due to the fact that he subjectively believes in its perfection, in his outstanding personal qualities and superiority over others.
if the people respect the spiritual life in a normal human form,then the person begins to elicit sustained psychological base means;Spirituality, Wisdom and faith, knowledge and skills, calmness, joy and happiness, love and compassion, New creativity, patience and longevity, beauty, pleasure,Exemption from many mental and physical illnesses; adequate, relevant reality.

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