psychological education and depression

Marwan Hayel Abdulmoula
2011 / 3 / 27

Typically, the problem falls on us suddenly.From this pain becomes particularly strong , But the unbearable heartache makes loneliness.
Did you feel tired? Dissatisfied with themselves? Ceased to enjoy life? In this case, you should not hesitate and put off a visit to the doctor.When these symptoms become very severe, so that affect the normal course of your life, it is already chronic depression.
Depression (from Lat. deprimo «push", "suppress") - is a mental disorder characterized by depressive triad:depressed mood, loss of ability to experience joy,impaired thinking negative judgments, pessimistic view of what is happening and motor retardation.When depression reduced self-esteem, there is a loss of interest in life, and habitual activity. In some cases, a person suffering from itMay begin to abuse alcohol or other psychotropic substances.
Depression - a mental illness characterized by mood disorder.
Typical symptoms of depression include:
Melancholy, sadness, anxiety or irritability. Difficulty falling asleep, repeated awakening at night or waking up too early.Loss of interest in work, eating, sex life. Feelings of guilt and worthlessness, hopelessness about the future.Difficulty concentrating and constant tiredness Weight loss or, conversely, increase in weight.Headaches, pain in the heart, back, without organic,causes Excessive concern about their own health.
Thoughts of suicide and death.
Causes of Depression;
Psychological factors, many experts point to the early loss of parents or their rejection towards the child as a factor influencing the development of depression.
Job loss, relationship conflicts, retirement, natural disasters, problems with the law, as well as death in the family should be considered as factors leading to depression.It must be remembered that depression can also cause damaged relationships, problems at work, financial setbacks.
Violation of chemical equilibrium in the brain
The fact that depression occurs in some families, indicating that certain individuals have a genetic predisposition to such disorders.Moreover, the symptoms of some physical illnesses such as Parkinson s disease, hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, kidney disease and other diseases may include depressive feelings.
Depression in women - this is not a deep sadness or inability to enjoy life. Classic symptoms are disorders of sleep and appetite and severe weight loss.However, some women develop eating sweets are usually misused and other foods containing lots of carbohydrates, some of them started a lot of sleep.And the worst thing is that you do not know why. Often you can not name the reason or situation that might cause depression.Studies have shown that women are twice more at risk of falling into depression.
Dr. Jensvold said, One reason may be that women live feeling. "Women will be no end to think about their feelings and the reasons for the recession sentiment as long as it does not lead to greater and longer periods of depression.Women should be encouraged to exercise more effort out of depression, out of the house, do something, no matter what, but do not meditate on his health.In the women s depression, a very large role played by physical and sexual abuse.Play a role as well as physiology. In addition to a possible hereditary predisposition infertility, menopause, menstruation and childbirth may contribute to depressed. Researchers are still studying the relationship between hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle and the buildup of mood.
Depression in men, although men and women may show the standard symptoms of depression, they are experiencing depression differently and may have different overcome it.Men are more likely to complain of fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in work and hobbies and sleep disorders than the anxiety, worthlessness and excessive guilt.Unlike women, men are more able to admit that they have abused alcohol or drugs or suffer from alcohol or drug dependence, One way or another, and substance abuse can mask depression, and it becomes harder to recognize as a separate, requiring treatment of disease.Struggling with depression, some men make themselves away to go to work and thus try to hide the existence of depression from themselves, from family and friends.Instead of acknowledging what they really feel, and ask for help or receive appropriate treatment, men areare beginning to use alcohol or drugs when they are depressed or upset ,frustrated ,angry and irritable or at times ,abused with other.
How to get out of depression
1-Avoid being alone. Spend time with other people. Try to talk to them about things that are not related to depression.
2-Do not take major decisions, such as moving, changing jobs, divorce, without discussing the issue with close friends or relatives of those whom you trust. Try to defer decisions on important matters until such time as you do not get out of depression.
3-Do something that improves your mood. Go to the movies, go to the playground to play ball.
4-Exercise. Studies show that people are experiencing depression feel better if regular exercise. Sporting activities in the fresh air (jogging, walking, swimming, cycling), especially given the significant effect.
5-Eliminate from your diet caffeine and refined sugar. In one study found that people tend to use a lot of caffeine and refined sugar, the depression deepened and when testing three months later they were still in the same condition.
6-Very voluminous work is divided into parts that are easier to perform, determine which tasks are priorities and what can wait, and follow the work wherever possible.
for many people a great place in life is set aside jobs and careers. Depression affects not only personal health but also its efficiency.It is not necessary to deprive themselves of happiness and ability to get pleasure out of life. Treatment by a qualified therapist will allow you to analyze the symptoms, and if the disease is possessed by you, to get effective treatment.

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