Freeyad Ibrahim
2011 / 4 / 6

Here in the Netherlands there are four million dogs. That means four million afflicted people with depression and the feeling of deadly loneliness.
The dogs of these maniacs have not only reached their dining tables but also their beds and beneath their blankets and covers.
There is no woman without man nor a man without a woman who hasn’t got a dog home.
If a dog dies in a neighborhood all the inhabitants would go in mourning and wear black clothes.
I see it with my own eyes.
Now I have no doubt about that if one of the victims of Halabja gas attack was a Dutch dog, the provider of the deadly poison , the people would have rebelled against their government and would have brought it to downfall.
But the Dutch like the world kept silent because the thousands of the suffocated to death inhabitants were
Neither friends
Nor dogs!!
15-3 -2011

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