Norwegian massacre and Tom Hanks

Sohel Ahmed Bahjat
2011 / 7 / 28

- CA - USA

July 22/2011 will be a turning point in Norwegian or even European history. What gets my attention is the question which most of Christian protestants specifically asked: Could Christianity produce a fanatic mentality to have the ability to commit mass killings? Thats exactly what we saw on July 22. But ironically I discovered that there are people here in the USA and in other western countries whom think almost in the same way people thought in the Middle East.
When I was in Iraq, where I spend 38 years of my life, I meet many people; Quasi educated whom believe that the whole events of history are controlled and managed by (International Imperialism, Zionism and Free Mason groups). These ideas were very invincible and very tough to discuss, especially with Quasi educated guys who think they know everything. I discovered that some Christians try to give answers about what happened in Norway.
Let us be more rational and objective... Till now or at least since 1979 with Iranian Islamic revolution; terrorism was a Muslim problem, while before that the world was facing Nazi and Communism as two fanatic figures.
But suddenly we saw a new figure jump on the screen, such like Tom Hanks imitating the Satan as figure!! Christianity, as common Christians don’t believe the scene they saw, directly some people find (Conspiracy Theory) as a best answer for all the complicated questions. A video on youtube displaying parts of Hollywood’s movies illustrating fictionally a fanatic Christians, then the video maker tell us that the Norwegian massacre as a (free Masonic) conspiracy against Protestantism Christianity to show Christianity as an ugly faith. That s exactly what most Muslims do when they face the question: Why are the majority of terrorist Muslum? Now, Christianity is under inquisition, especially because we all expect that the Norwegian police will arrest a bearded guy with Middle Eastern features, because we have witnessed many of Al-Qaeda’s crimes, suicide bombers and beheaded people from USA in 9/11 to everywhere.
But the west must face the big questions or this great civilization – despite its mistakes – will facing corruption from inside. Christianity is beautiful faith as many other faiths, but the dark side is the Messianic part which related with future and the hopes of return of Jesus as the King over world.
I remember how in Shiite creed, people miss leaded by some bad guys; such like Ahmedy Nijad, whom promising people that Imam Mahdi will return back soon with Jesus Christ as redeemer for a perfect world, these guys explaining world’s events that happened and still happening now as a total conspiracy composed by International powers (America and Zionism beside Free Masonic). Before a few days of the Norwegian massacre, I had watched a series of documentaries films on youtube produced by Adullam Films – A Christian film ministry.
In these films I was amazed by the size of (Conspiracy) illustrated in these films. The founders’ fathers of USA, such like Thomas Paine, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson, described as Infidels whom established USA on Non-Christian principles. In these films we saw that the whole American system – not just a part of it – is against God and Jesus.
Last not least, in my opinion, what happened in Norway is caused tacitly by Muslim communities in Europe and Scandinavian countries. These Muslim communities are isolated, traditional and not integrated in European system and values. Due those communities; Racism, fundamentalism and violence pop up on screen, this time from unexpected direction, a Christian educated person as a reaction for the open doors policy for problematic Muslim communities in the Democratic hemisphere. Now the question is: Who’s next after Anders Behring Breivik?

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