NATO Rescues Euro In Libya - NATO Intervention Is To Rescue French Banks And The Euro

Xander Meyer
2011 / 10 / 6

Xander Nieuws

These last months so much nonsense has been announced about the so-called needed, but in fact scandalous "humanitarian" war of NATO against Libya, in which about 50,000 would have perished, that we put some hard facts together that show that the real reasons to chase Gaddafi had nothing to do with his un-existing "blood shedding", but everything with the rescue of the troubled French banks and with them the euro. Read, how - once again - you have been terribly deceived by the politicians and the media.

It is a fact that in countries like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates no military interventions have been planned to chase the dictators who rule there. On the contrary: European countries like Germany offer these regimes professional knowledge and arms. So, why then an intervention in Libya?

In October 2010, Nuri Mesmari, head of Gadaffi s secretariat, was interrogated in Paris by the French secret services. In - among others - Asiatic media it has been reported that Mesmari would have disclosed Libyan state secrets against an important payment. For president Sarkozy this was a strong blow in the face, in particular because Gaddafi would have the intention to withdraw all the Libyan oil billions from Europe. These balances were in particular with French banks and would be transferred to Asia.

Fear for collapsing of French banks

Sarkozy feared this step would have far reaching consequences for the French banks that were already in trouble anyway and that would not survive the withdrawal of the Libyan oil billions. And if French banks collapsed, France would not be able to participate anymore in the European Rescue Funds, which would also fall. There would be a chain of reactions that would endanger the continuation of the euro and the entire euro zone.

What also played a role is the fact that Gaddafi had announced he would not buy the French fighter plane Rafale anymore and in any case he would not grant the construction of a Libyan nuclear plant to the French. The French corporation Total wanted new oil contracts in Libya, but Gaddafi granted them to the Italian company ENI. (Gaddafi and the Italian prime minister Berlusconi are good friends.)

The rest passed off approximately like the coup d état in Iran in 1953. Then it was the CIA that set it up, now it was the French who did the same in Libya. In the respected Asia Times everything has been described in detail. First France assured itself of the support of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain with the promise to leave these regimes in peace with their human right violations. Both Arab regimes would arrange the support of the Arab League. "Of course", the US, together with some European nations (among which the Netherlands) also participated to prevent the collapse of the French banks.

Insurgence of the rebels organized by France

The French philosopher and media sweetheart Bernard Henri-Lévy was flown to Benghazi to become the spokesman of the "rebel movement" that had been knocked together by the Western secret services. In the presence of the drummed up media Henri-Lévy phoned from Benghazi with Sarkozy and announced the beginning of the Libyan democratic movement that would destitute Gaddafi. Following that, the Libyan bank balances were frozen and the French banks were - temporarily - rescued.

The whole circus looked convincing enough for the Western people. In Libya the existing rivalry between different tribes was exploited to make the media report step by step about fictive conquests of territories. The next phase had been planned in advance too: the support of these rebels by NATO.

The reports that the CIA would have flown 1,500 fighters from Afghanistan to Libya to support the rebels came from Pakistani governmental circles, whose relation with the CIA had cooled below freezing point. Since the elimination of Osama bin Laden, Pakistan, out of anger, had started to spread all kind of false rumors about the CIA. One of the rumors was the transfer of hundreds of Persians and Uzbeks to Libya. The numerous journalists in Libya who were constantly accompanying the rebels, haven t met a single Persian or Uzbek there.

Oil deal in exchange for the support of the insurgence

Back to France. Here the Libyan oil billions will, for the main part, stay in hands of the French banks. Of probably over €10 billions, France wants to free up at maximum €1.5 billion for the new Libyan government. And, by the way, banks in other EU countries can also feel relieved now. Moreover, in exchange for these billions they can sell lots of goods to Libya. Finally, the new Libyan government will have to show its thankfulness for the "liberation" of their country. The media announced today (1 Sept 2011) that France has indeed made a secret oil deal with the rebels in exchange for the French support of the rebellion against Gaddafi. (3)

Soon it will show if Libya still decides to buy the French fighter jets, to grant the construction of a nuclear plant to the French and to grant oil concessions to the French Total. Also, the secret services will have to find out how they can supply new work to their different contact persons. Gaddafi s Dutch hooker lady has already been interrogated by the AIVD, the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service. She had supplied the needed prostitutes to the regime and maybe she could do the same for the new people in power.

France distributes the war bounty

So now you how the "democratic" Libyan rebellion movement came about and who was behind it. Some 50,000 people have paid with their lives to avoid the collapse of French banks and to postpone for some time the collapse of the euro. Today (1 Sept 2011) a "reconstruction" conference takes place in Paris, where over €34 billion that Libya has in Western banks accounts, will be "distributed". Sarkozy has set himself up as the big reconstruction man of Libya. To put it otherwise: he will keep the bigger part of the bounty in France by means of contracts of billions of euros with the new Libyans in power,

Last Saturday we announced that brigades related to Al Qaeda have become the masters in Tripoli. Yesterday US president Obama has confirmed this. (2). In short: the people against whom the West fights in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq, Al Qaeda, are the same Muslim-extremists who are put into the saddle in Libya by NATO. It is once again proof that Western principles are worth nothing at all as soon as (big) money is involved. The real hooker ladies are to be found in the financial and political elite of power.

Middle East in flames and fire?

Meanwhile the big (end) game continues. Sarkozy has already publicly announced that the Islamic Republic of Iran may well be the next target. Also the Turk-Saudian preparations for military intervention in Syria are well underway. You will see that the next big war, that may well set the whole Middle East on fire - and maybe even countries outside of it - will be presented by the media as a "complete surprise", exactly like the Libyan revolution planned by France.(1)

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