
Clara Rezgar
2011 / 11 / 11

I chose Japan because that Japan has a very historic past, and is an exciting land. And because I goto karate. Karate is from japan.

Japan s flag is a white tablecloth with a red circle in the middle. The circle is a symbol for the sun. It was an European man that called the country of Japan, it was the great explorer Marco Polo 700 years ago.
Japan’s flag
The Japanese call their country Nippon. The name can be translated as "the rising sun country", it was the Chinese who were the first who called Japan for Nippon. Since Japan is so far east, it is the first Asian country the sun rises over every morning. Japan consists of 4,000 small and big islands that stretch like a 2,500 km long string of beads along the Asian coast. Japanese live in the four main islands. More than three-quarters of Japan consists of areas with steep and forested mountains. In 1941, Japan entered into the Second World War by bombing the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbour in the Pacific. This war lasted four years. The main cities are: Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kawasaki, Kitakyushu, Hiroshima. Their religion Shinto and Buddhism but also Christianity. The highest mountain is Fuji is located on the island of Honshu, and is 3,776 meters. Their currency is the yen.
Home Loose in japan
After the Japanese economy walked back, the number of homeless has become a growing and ever more visible problem. The numbers of homeless people, many of them have lost their homes in that they have lost their jobs. In Tokyo there are many homeless people who gather in makeshift camps if areas Uenoparken, though it is forbidden to set up a tent and light a fire in city parks. There are now more state support centers in Tokyo, giving the home address of beds, meals and a standpoint where they can seek work.
Japan lies in the western Pacific earthquake zone and is often subjected to earthquakes. In 1995 a h After the Japanese economy walked back, the number of homeless has become a growing and ever more visible problem. There has also been a dangerous tsunami in Japan in 2011. it was a 14 meter high tsunami. Earthquake waves have cast boats, cars and buildings far into the country. Tsunami is a Japanese word for meaning "harbor wave". huge earthquake destroyed the city of Kobe, it is about 400 km west from Tokyo.

A 10 meter high tsunami hit Japan after a strong earthquake. The earthquake was felt in Tokyo, where buildings shook. A capita in Tokyo is calling it, the worst earthquake in the Japanese capital for 20 years.

Second World War in Japan.
During the Second World War, Tokyo and other Japanese cities target for heavy American bombing. In March 1945 destroyed a large attack many parts of Tokyo, and thousands died. In a train in Tokyo handles passengers holding hands and screamed.

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