Between art and the beauty of nature

2013 / 4 / 28

That the artist has the ability to manufacture creativity, and this culminate verification capability aesthetic beauty or meditation, and if you look at nature find subjects boasts in beauty.0

Schopenhauer attribute the beauty found in nature to normal subjects, which is authorized by the saying: the beauty of nature, as it believes that the nature of which did not reach the hands of man, and are filled with flowers and plants that express the agility and consistency naturally.

Addresses Schopenhauer this topic in the field of research in degrees repositioning will in the art, and believes that the beauty of man more complex than other subjects because it reflects the personality type and the personality of the individual is called the first beautiful and so-called second he put it, the problem-driven artist is how to represent the two sides at the same time and in personsame.

And refers Schopenhauer that there are great similarities between the beauty of nature and the beauty of art, it is during which up to one s perception goes through meditation pure, and this reflection is not associated with Check utility, but puts the natural beauty ranked lower than artistic beauty, as it determines the subject of beautyreveals the example underlying it, and the struggling nature in order to express example inherent in each of the subjects, and the proportion to the artist veteran shall be has a preview or an expectation for this example is nice, so it is detected whenever he saw and expressed in his artistic work surpassing naturein the representation, the artist reflects the will of nature is evident in the disclosure of same, pronunciation artist clearly what nature could not pronounce.

The Schopenhauer beauty of man is expressed most clearly about what is objectively in the highest score of the will, the expression of an example of man is expressed fully in the picture perceived, no matter how full the appearance of the substance of the beauty that the self is accompanied always, is humanity fully capable raised to the level ofmeditate on the beauty, and compares Schopenhauer nature created for man what the artist to demonstrate the installation and the difficulty of dealing with the rights and his image, and he put it, in the highest grades in nature repositioning will itself in the individual and resist all the obstacles set by the front phenomena in grades minimum will One of the difficulties surrounding the image of man they described phenomena will in the levels Top be vehicles and many in the image, the human body is a composite of complex parts unifying principle of life each and every one and every part of this body has his own which is associated in all Top is also associated with other parts and working efficiency and harmony, all of this is difficult to achieve in nature, and the art that Schopenhauer rejects the idea of ​​biomimicry, and rejects all the parts, and assumes that the artist is expected or predicted in beautiful before the experiment, as it was this aspect of tribal different images that the principle of the illness sufficient tribal and obituary tribal dealing with the overall picture of the phenomenon described as well as how the overall phenomena, but in the art that other type of prior knowledge enables us to represent beauty They relate to the substance of the phenomenon is not in the image, we all recognize beauty human when we see but this perception when artist inherent be absolutely clear in the degree of clarity so that proclaim it as never watched one even he himself At that exceeded nature, that this is possible because we are ourselves the will and bow adequate in the highest degree is what is judged and discovery, this is the only way we have, including Nature is trying to submit Hidden in fact will our being inner self

The artist who did not have this available knowledge can not discover example inherent in nature, because the artist has prior knowledge of what should be the beauty, and this in itself owned by the artist s ability is being able to see the ideals

And possibly match the action and movement when the artist perfectly with the will embodied or repositioning itself where no increase or decrease, then realized agility for the emergence of Appearance adequate to the will of the appearance of temporal, the correct expression and the right of each act of involuntary be through movement and the situation embodied

So select Schopenhauer hopes objective vision of the example in the picture frame intuitive owned by the artist, and this image transcends the artist to the level of perception of beauty.

In this artist s crowning throne on the grounds that it has the tools and means to qualify for beauty-making and perception, but they also contain nature beauty perceived by the artist, and the artist s work contributes to the fill shortages nature.

1 - Tawfiq, Saeed Mohammed: Demo of art at Schopenhauer, Chapter V, p 177. - Schopenhauer, Arthur: WWR, BK. III, S. 45, P. 220. 2 - Shakurji, Jafar: art and ethics in the philosophy of beauty, pp. 121 - 122 p. -. 221 - 0 - Schopenhauer, Arthur: WWR, BK. III, S. 45, P. 22 - Schopenhauer, Arthur: WWR, BK.III, S.45, P.221. 3 - Tawfiq, Saeed Mohammed: Demo of art at Schopenhauer, Chapter V, p 179. - Schopenhauer, Arthur: WWR, BK. III, S. 45, P. 224.

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