ISIL is American Secrete Army

Freeyad Ibrahim
2015 / 2 / 24

NATO is behind creation of ISIL

Written by : Freeyad Ibrahim

I think the fact of the matter is that NATO forces, the United States, Britain and France, are very much behind the creation of ISIS´-or-ISIL. The general idea is that these were fighters that were trained in those NATO camps in Jordan.

US and EU especially UK have created and still do wars in the Islamic East because wars and conflicts in the oil rich countries´-or-the countries of strategic importance like Afghanistan are the only means that could contribute to the welfare of the peoples of the West.
It does not need so much effort to grasp their hideous hidden intentions behind creating crisis in the Middle East. For wars in the east enabled and still enable the West to get cheap oil and sell expensive weapons in return. The state resembles a prolonged and systematic Oil for Weapon program.
Undoubtedly, without these wars and conflicts afflicted the Middle East the US and EU countries had to buy the oil for a high price. In addition, a great sector of the industry market would come to a state of bankruptcy, and the negative consequences of their economy would be unfathomable and tremendous. It is then no wonder that the West sends weapons indifferently to both warring parties regardless whether they are friends´-or-foes.
Recently the trustworthy Iraqi citizens and neutral sources swear that they had seen the US airplanes weapons on the areas occupied by ISIL fighters. If you ask me whether I believe the story, my answer is: Yes. Everyone is amazed to see the capability a small organization to move so freely and easily, to crash everything that stands on their way, to fight in a territory bigger that Syria and Lebanon put together. They are able to reach wherever they wish´-or-like even it could be the heart of France. Obama administration, to my opinion, is playing with fire by setting the whole region on fire. It may end up in a prolonged civil war not only in the East buy, I am afraid, that it could expand to reach the West. The first backfire we watched on France soil.
On the other hand, the US have almost destroyed the Middle East just in order to encounter Russia and her illegal daughter Iran. NATO and US have destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya , too. Egypt and Saudi Arabia are waiting their turn. Thanks to ISIS, the tamed dog of America-Obama who fabricated the terrorism and who now is planning to establish a large ranged collation in the region and outside it to contain the dangers of the wild dogs he himself produced and he himself fed and still feeds. This strange strategy explains why Turkey, one of the NATO members, has made her land a passageway for jihadists all over the world.
I’d not be exaggerating if I say that Obama administration would not send troops in their olive and kaki colors but they had send in black masked marines and orange colored victims instead, the reminders of the notorious Gautama prisoners. In short ISIL is the “Secrete Police Of US), exactly as the American historian, journalist Webster Griffin Tarpley* had announced. If the facts came true then the President Obama may be expected one day to have to defend himself in the International Court for the crimes against humanity through their adopted ISIS wolves.
It is a miserable situation that the richest peoples in the East have turned the poorest. That is mainly because of the Machiavellic policy US and EU adopt and the egoistic attitude they take towards the Middle East, including the Kurdistan Region.
It is an undeniable fact that during the last years there was an urgent need to another kinds (copies) of former tyrants like Saddam, Kaddafi, in oil rich countries, and it seems that, US have found these in the form of al-Qaida and its successor ISIL in order to guarantee the supply of oil in return for weapons. It is a double-edged strategy of gain and profit, at the expense of the misery of the peoples and the innocent children.
It is then odd enough that, when an impoverished immigrant comes to seek refuge in one of the NATO countries, fleeing fire´-or-famine´-or-both, burning all his boats behind, some narcissist neo- fascist would come forward to encounter hem disparagingly by the question:
“What are you doing here gold - digger?”

Freeyad Ibrahim
Netherlands Kurd,
(Secular writer, author, poet, translator and political analyst)
24 – 2 - 2015


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