Break the Glass Ceiling

Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim
2007 / 2 / 18

Break the Glass Ceiling
Unfortunately there are a variety of other societies next to Muslim societies which either make women invisible or limit their role. We can’t put the blame on religious practices alone any more for even if religion stopped existing men would need a long period of time to allow, at least subconsciously, a change of present practices. Suppressing women over such a long period of time has programmed their genetic code accordingly. Changing a genetic code not only takes a long time but necessitates changing their way of thinking as well. Even if men show willingness they will soon revert to their old practices of seeing women only as part of their career. You might say change the school system or mothers are to blame because they have the right of custody.

Maybe changing our male dominated language might help. Stop saying fa3ala- yaf3alu (he did/ he does). Say for a change fa3alat taf3alu (she did / she does). Mention female gender explicitly in language or use the plural. Language influences thought and as long as our language is male dominated, societies cannot change. Stop paying lip service for nothing can change this way. Bring about genuine equality including sexual freedom for women before marriage.

God gave women hair so why hide it behind a scarf? Some men often boast about statements like: my wife is responsible for the financial side in our family. But this is a job given to women by men consequently big decisions are not made by women. A society which makes half of its population invisible cannot progress. A society which wastes its female power and energy is doomed to fail. It is time to break the glass ceiling.

Dr. Jamshid Ibrahim
Bremen - Germany

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