The Dirty War in Iraq has come to a level of raping

Khalid Essa Taha
2007 / 2 / 26

The prime minister of Iraq, Dr Malliki is struggling to stay in his chair as long as he could do. He is always bowing to the strong winds coming from the Pentagon. Lately, they have given him two choices: either to control the current catastrophe and chaos in Iraq in which people are being killed because of their name and religion, or to leave his position. Everyone is aware that he came to power by a margin of just one vote, which resulted in the suspension of Adel Abdul Mahdi.

Dr Malliki, Adel Abdul Mahdi and Jafferi are all figures of the Al Dawaa and other Sheas party which had been based in Iran for two decades, during the Saddam Hussein regime. They made a frontier of all the Sheas and called it the house of the Iraqi Sheas. They formed a list called the Al Etilaph list. Dr Al Malliki, Adel Abdul Mahdi, Al Jafferi, Al Hakim and so on were all members of this list which had achieved a majority in the parliament.

Al Malliki has not much choice now. Either to betray his closest ally in his group Mr Mukhtada Sadr, who has 30 seats in the parliament, or loose his position as prime minister. He is the weakest prime minister ever in the Iraqi history. I get the feeling that Malliki is so very ambitious to stay in this position that he agreed to deteriorate the power of the Jaishal Mahdi army, in turn betraying Sadr. He succeeded to delay the process period after period, in order that he has the chance to advice chief of the Sheas, Mukhtada Sadr to leave Iraq or to go in hiding, and at the same time all the big figures of the army that have been responsible to destroy Iraq systematically, with their iron heart, with their drills, torture, cutting of heads, raping women and do everything which is cruel, anything even the mafia could not think to do.

No one in history has dared to do such savage acts. Now America wants to lower and cut this savageness. They implemented a new way to control and restore peace in Iraq. They flew 21000 new soldiers to Iraq. They divided Iraq in 10 parts. Each part has 3 commands- one Kurd, one Shea and one Sunni. Dr Malliki deliberately postponed this announcement till the time most of the criminals of his army had fled from Iraq, including Mukhtada Sadr. The people of Iraq are also aware of this. Malliki could not avoid these facts which everybody knows, even the Sheas. So his position is melting down and down and America is also loosing its reputation in Iraq further and further.

Could Malliki carry on successfully with this plan? In person I could not persuade myself to have such an optimistic view. I think Malliki is now towards the end of his days as the prime minister. He has been rejected by his own allies now and further more he could not protect them whatever he did against the Sunnis or the area of the Sunnis. The climax of this all came across in the television film spread by Al Jazeera, in which an Iraqi woman was raped by officers of the army which is there to restore peace in Iraq. Malliki did not deal with this scandal in a proper and wise way. The first step from him, he altogether denied that such a rape had taken place. The second step, he said that she hasn’t been raped but they have just beaten her. Finally as a third step he agreed to trial the people who had committed this ugly act.

All this, while the vice president of Iraq, Tarek Al Hashimi refused to accept all the announcements of the prime minister, and wanted the case to be investigated by a court. I have written an article on this situation, named Al Malliki is dancing the death dance of his tenure. In a few weeks coming I think there will be a lot of important things coming in to picture and Al Malliki should leave. What Iraq needs to face this catastrophe, is a cabinet of technocrat ministers, and none of the members of the current cabinet should stay in power, especially the minister of interior and defence. The more they stay, the nearer Iraq will be to a civil war, which I don’t think this is in the interests of America as well. If they insist, I think they are in a position to lose all their interest in the Middle East, which they have already started to lose. All Iraqis want is to have peace and to start again with the goodwill of a new election, new constitutional law and new ministers. No prejudice, no sharing on Taifiya (religion), or sector or race. Stop this unfair proposition and ideas which are making Iraq reach the worst of situation. So everybody is eagerly waiting for this outcome.

- Khalid Essa Taha
Chairman, Lawyers without Borders Ltd
Vice president, British Iraqi Lawyers Association
Email: [email protected]

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