mental health warrior

Midia Fawzi Habash
2020 / 1 / 20

Sometimes, life just sucks.
It‘s so easy to get caught up in that negative mindset´-or-a victim mentality.
To think that life is happening to you and that you aren’t in charge of your circumstances.
But here is the thing: every experience you have had in your past, you have attracted with your thoughts, emotions, words and actions into your life.
You have created this reality for yourself. Whether you believe it´-or-not.
This is why so many people feel stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out of their current situation and change their surroundings.
I want you to claim back your power and take control over you life again. To be aware of the choices and decisions that you make on a daily basis. To be conscious about what you invest your time and energy into. What you give attention to. What you choose to focus on.
Own the pen of your own life story. Write it out. Feel into it. And start acting like the best version of yourself possible. Get an accountability partner´-or-coach on board and start shifting your reality. You are not what happened in your past. You are what you make out of your future.

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