To Selma

Nesrin Mbarek Hassan
2020 / 4 / 13

In the lockdown,
Kitchen knives are very scary
Axe in the garden
Scissors on the dressing table
Electrical machine cables
All, at night, are terrifying
The night is heavy
The breath is heavy
Spirit virus is crouching in my chest
punching the life out of me

In the lockdown
abused woman
holds her breath
Woman s breath is sometimes like lace
and sometimes is like a crime.
I wish I had left the house
Since the first slap in my face

In the lockdown...
the spirit grabs a breath
a breath like a heavy shadow
Death is approaching
as the smell of carrion
in the space
when coming, enters from my riven nose
From wounds in my face

Now ...
I hear him walking,
Approaching as death s steps
I hear him cursing me,
I m also cursing myself
And the whole world in the back is cursing me.
Now ..
I hear him killing me
and my children
We saw him in the lockdown killing me
Except the world saw nothing
"He" knew nothing
He is not the savior
The world is over-patriarchal
"He" has never testified in the women s favor
The world is patriarchal king
sits on the throne of morals and tears
His rules are like a plague
His laws are like a plague
Isolating women and martyrs
But he does not write letters and names on the tombstone
In the time of the plague
We are all statistics and bones
In the time of silence
Some of us die of infection
Women die of violence

In the lockdown,
women die every night
Women die in the bathrooms
And in the garden
Women die in salons
And in lovemaking beds
Women die in the kitchens
In the sight of the world
And innocent eyes
of those trembling under the bed
And behind the sofa

the plague jogs with people
And in the lockdown,
Another plague is dugging
graves in all female bodies
Humanity may find all the vaccines
May write thousands of studies
Except the one for violence
I will find it by myself
I will run in every way
And stay safe
I am my voice away
I will run inside me and cry my silence
To live my rebirth
One woman
She is all the women of the earth
Has to Find a vaccine for violence

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