Do not count too much on the herd immunity

Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni
2020 / 6 / 6

Some medical people and some government officials were under the illusion of economic motivation and motivation that the best way to deal with this epidemic and to avoid the use of some required health measures that are financially costly and socially harmful, is to leave the epidemic in the community so that the general community immunity is formed and is termed herd immunity .
They left the people in the country without supervision and without examination´-or-scrutiny so the epidemic spread quickly and the surprise came after the number of patients gathered on the doorsteps of hospitals, they discovered their mistake and knew that the herd immunity policy does not work for this dangerous epidemic that is widespread and strong in impact, especially in the absence of the vaccine for this epidemic.
Corona virus, as of May 6, has caused: 6.8 million people infected with confirmed infection. Of these, three million people are still infected, their condition is simple, 53,000 people are infected, their condition is acute´-or-critical, 3.3 million people have recovered, and 400,000 people have died

China, when it took firmness and decisiveness in its health and preventive measures to contain this difficult epidemic, Western media escalated its rhetoric and some politicians criticized the Chinese actions and described it as a pure dictatorship. The emerging western generations have arisen in the arenas of democracy that have not witnessed in its history the isolation of entire cities from each other with millions of people in them prohibited from wandering because of a disease, so they have the true tone that they used to hear about the communist persecution of citizens and the distinctive compulsive style of the despotic regime. It never occurred to them that China was acting within the scientific rules required by the stage and the public interest in order to save lives and prevent catastrophe. Thus, the Westerners received Covid 19 without reservations, which harmed the principles of democracy, in order to give a picture of a different reaction to that of dictatorial China.
The epidemic attacked us, and we have some shortages of means to deal with the epidemic, including protective masks, protective gloves, hands, diagnostic tools, and detection solutions to artificial respirators and a trained and prepared medical staff. Doctors did not wear protective masks in some hospitals because they were not available´-or-insufficient, so that some countries lost some medical staff from their white army fighting the virus and the hospital corridors were filled with surplus numbers of victims of Covid 19 due to the crowding of patients and the scarcity of the place, at the height of the epidemic cases, to the extent that The survival theory of the strongest was applied in it, so care for the elderly decreased for the less old.

Sweden has wagered on community awareness, and after two and a half and a half months it has achieved the highest death rate among people with coronavirus in the world. The government admitted its mistake in adopting the herd immunity policy in managing the Corona crisis, to increase the number of deaths (5 thousand cases) relative to the number of injuries (4 times the rate in neighboring countries).

The "herd immunity" strategy is simply based on normal life, if a number of people become infected, as they build up antibodies that break the thorn of the virus, and it will not be able to spread widely. So that most members of society become infected with the virus, and thus their immune systems recognize the virus, and then fight it if it tries to attack it again.
The herd immunity can also be gained by giving a vaccine to a large number of people to fight the epidemic, which makes it difficult for it to pass on to others, but that solution is also not available in the face of the Corona virus, as experts estimate that its vaccine will not be available before one to one and a half years. from now on.

I think the herd’s immunity may be ineffective against the Corona virus, due to the genetically developing virus and the development of its behavior, which may need new ways to combat it. , But to join efforts to rapidly develop a vaccine against the epidemic.

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