Christ Jesus is the Rock on which the symbols of hypocrisy breaks

Imen Marie Agnes Adili
2020 / 12 / 10

Christ Jesus as the Founder of the Religion: the Way of Truth is destroying the sects perceived in the fallen world of dusk as symbols of knowledge! Since these beasts called by Christ Jesus Himself broad of vipers are utilising the malice and wickedness to realize their goal: the -dir-ection of their flocks to the fires of hell employing in the same dark way the hypocrisy to search a seducing appearance which permits to them to seduce their followers to devour them when the opportunity presents itself.
Therefore in His Teaching against the epidemic hypocrisy the synonym of sects, Christ Jesus is predicting a Seven Woes on the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees who are developing a virulent obsession of money and “vainglory” in this fallen earth which pushes them to manipulate others who are in their image: covetous and noxious to be -dir-ected together by the devil to the weeping place: the area of woes and lamentations.
Further, the broad of vipers is “preaching “ the false doctrine talking about the Word of God to inject their poison so if they are preaching for example saying : “ Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” they perpetrate in the reality a dreadful crimes even murders to give rest! To the weary and burdened, thus Christ Jesus is saying: “for they do not practice what they preach” but they are doing the contrary of what they are preaching employing their appearance of teachers! And priests to be able to commit their formidable crimes since devil’s children are called by the hell from the beginning thus they are searching the perfect crime without leaving a trace.
Furthermore, the teachers of the law and the Pharisees are adopting the custom of wearing a sectarian dresses to be perceived as trust worthy persons but since they are heartless they are seeking only a presumptuous self-adulation and they are patronizing others looking for the vain titles as rabbi´-or-father whereas Christ Jesus is clearly saying in Matthew 23:8-12:
8 “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
So the broad of vipers is seduced by the devil from the beginning and this incurable greed is due to the impossibility of Resurrection for the beasts thus they are looking for the vainglory in the fallen world since there is no an Eternal Life for them as if they are saying to themselves: “we are screwed and -dir-ected to the fires of hell let’s conduct our flocks to the same hideous fate.
Moreover due to their foolishness, they are hardening their hearts to be heartless and to be a broad of vipers: a beasts but it is not an ordinary beasts but a damned serpents condemned by God from the beginning thus in Genesis 3, God is saying:
“The fall:
3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made”
And in Genesis 3:14-15 God is saying:
14 So the LORD God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this,
“Cursed are you above all livestock
and all wild animals!
You will crawl on your belly
and you will eat dust
all the days of your life.
15 And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring[a] and hers-;-
he will crush[b] your head,
and you will strike his heel.”
Therefore Christ Jesus is explaining obviously the pernicious nature of the hypocrites: the teachers of the law and Pharisees and all devil’s deputies who are closing their eyes to the Truth to be officially blinded by the evil and transformed by it to be a beasts, a damned and condemned beasts called by the darkness of the fallen world to forfeit all Esperance to win the bounteous Love of Christ Jesus synonym of the Eternal Life.
Further the hypocrisy is condemned by Christ Jesus as a symptom of a sectarian behaviour -dir-ectly related to selfishness that afflicts the Humanity and conducts to the way of mourn and woes thus Christ Jesus is talking about seven woes in Matthew 23:13-32:
Seven Woes on the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees
13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. [14] [a]
15 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single -convert-, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.
16 “Woe to you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing-;- but anyone who swears by the gold of the temple is bound by that oath.’ 17 You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold,´-or-the temple that makes the gold sacred? 18 You also say, ‘If anyone swears by the altar, it means nothing-;- but anyone who swears by the gift on the altar is bound by that oath.’ 19 You blind men! Which is greater: the gift,´-or-the altar that makes the gift sacred? 20 Therefore, anyone who swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it. 21 And anyone who swears by the temple swears by it and by the one who dwells in it. 22 And anyone who swears by heaven swears by God’s throne and by the one who sits on it.
23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
29 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30 And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors started!
Therefore, it’s clear that the teachers of the law the scribes and the Pharisees are identified by Christ Jesus as the representatives of all depravity and spiritual decay since they are looking for their selfish ambitions regardless all morality thus they are capable to commit all kind of ugly crimes to obtain wretchedly money and a social status in a society doomed spiritually and suffering from execrable diseases of greed and cupidity.
Accordingly, the deplorable society of hypocrites is transformed by the devil to be a jungle shelter the wildest beasts called by Christ Jesus snakes and brood of vipers to be damned and condemned by Him to a wretched end an excruciating agony without Resurrection since “they will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing teeth”
And this piteous end is evocated by Christ Jesus in Matthew 23:33-39:
33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? 34 Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify-;- others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. 35 And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36 Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.
37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. 38 Look, your house is left to you desolate. 39 For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[a]”

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