Valentine’s Day

Nadia Khaloof
2021 / 2 / 14

Valentine’s Day holds a strong and exciting historical importance. Besides that, every year we celebrate this day by showing the people around us how much we love and care for them. It is a day when we all show our love for the one we care and for the one who is very special to us.
The word valentine comes from ancient roman days. ‘Valens’, in Latin, means worthy. The Latin meaning of valentine is--;-- Valentinus and represents several martyred saints of the time. There are many different legends and versions of the origin of Valentine’s Day.
Do not forget to express your love to people who are important in your life. This is the day to thank people, whosoever they are, for being there in your life and being there with you when you needed them. To start with, thank your parents for the love that they have given you is above every other kind of love in the world. Thank them for making you the person that you are .
However, Valentine’s Day celebrates the bond and the relationship between people. It is a day which teaches us how we should express our love, care and respect for anyone who is important in our life. It helps us to feel happy about our loved ones. It also shows us the importance of happiness we feel when we are around the ones who matter to us.
The poet Chaucer in the Middle Ages was the first to link St Valentine with romantic love. This was the beginning of the tradition of courtly love, a ritual of expressing love and admiration, usually in secret. This custom spread throughout Europe and stories grew about a High Court of Love where female judges would rule on issues related to love on 14 February each year. Historians believe that these meetings were in fact gatherings where people read love poetry and played games of flirtation .
The practice of sending love messages developed into people sending special cards expressing their affection. These cards were beautiful creations handmade by the sender and individually designed to show how much they loved the recipient. Cards would usually contain sentimental verse, proclaiming the beauty of the receiver and how much they were loved .
While Valentine s Day is celebrated in most countries, different cultures have developed their own traditions for this festival. In some parts of the world Valentine s Day is observed as a day for expressing love between family members and friends, rather than that of romantic couples. Some traditions include leaving lollies and gifts for children and others include acts of appreciation between friends .
Valentine s Day is most commonly associated with romantic love, with millions of Valentine s Day cards being exchanged each year. Gifts of flowers´-or-a single red rose are sent with romantic messages to loved ones and couples spend special time together.
We wish on Valentine s Day that peace and love will prevail in the world.

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