Methods of drug prevention and avoidance of addiction in educational institutions -model school-

Hani Gerges Ayyad
2021 / 7 / 10

Assistant Professor Dr. Hani Gerges Ayyad
Assistant Professor of Sociology""
Dean of the Faculty of Political Science - Sulaiman International University
[email protected]
First: The role of the teacher in achieving drug prevention education.
Second :The role of school curricula in achieving drug prevention education.
Third: The role of school activities in achieving drug prevention education.
Fourth: The role of school administration in achieving drug prevention education.
Fifth: The role of the student advisor “social worker” in protecting students from drugs.

The school is one of the most important educational institutions that the community relies on to raise awareness of the risks and damages that can be caused to individuals as a result of falling into the pitfalls of crime in general and drugs in particular. Therefore, most communities have attached great importance to schools with regard to their ability to prevent those risks.
If the responsibility for addressing the problem of drug abuse is a matter that rests with all the systems of society without exception, then the educational system, especially the school, comes on top of these systems with regard to the need to play a more effective role in confronting the problem of drugs, as one of the educational institutions that can take The procedures and programs are what helps them to prevent children from falling into the dangers of drug abuse and addiction.
In view of the executive roles that the school plays, it deals with educational practices and official instructions on a daily basis, and in light of the modern view of the school as a productive institution that prepares the good citizen and provides him with culture, knowledge, experiences, values and trends that are compatible with the degree of his growth, the importance of the school in its ability to do The preventive role of confronting drugs and protecting young people from its dangers, by focusing on the cognitive or cognitive side, which includes (concepts, facts, principles), the emotional side, which includes (inclinations, attitudes, and values), and the skill or psychomotor side, which includes (confidence, persuasion, and response).
From this point of view, the school becomes able to play an effective role in achieving preventive education for its students, through the school elements represented by the teacher, curricula, school activities, school administration, and the student advisor as well. In the following, we will discuss the roles that can be played through these elements in order for the school to be able to carry out its duty towards protecting its students from drugs.
First: The role of the teacher in achieving drug prevention education
The greatest burden in achieving preventive education for students from drugs falls in the first place on teachers through their various roles and responsibilities, whether it is in relation to their role in the field of school activities, or in the delivery of academic courses, or as mentors and counselors for students. Therefore, it was necessary to pay attention to preparing teachers and training them during the service so that they are ready to perform their roles in the field of drug prevention education in a way that enables them to achieve the goals of education in general and preventive education in particular.
If teachers are the cornerstone of the educational process, then most of the educational tasks and roles within the school fall on them, through the teaching performance in the lessons and through their participation in the various educational activities in the school. This depends on the extent of their competence, good direction, and intellectual, scientific and cultural level, and this is a clear indication of the importance of the role that the teacher can play in drug prevention.
The teacher, as a teacher, educator, guide and mentor at the same time, has the responsibility of learning and teaching and the direct and effective contribution to the sound upbringing of students, by guiding them towards the comprehensive and integrated growth of the educated individual spiritually, mentally, physically, skillfully and emotionally. This is in addition to its role in the field of environmental development and community service. In order for a teacher to be an effective member of society, he must participate in various social activities through boards of trustees, parents and teachers, join charitable societies directed to serve the community, and cooperate with various institutions concerned with the advancement of society and addressing its problems.
The teacher’s fulfillment of these roles requires the necessity of paying attention to preparing teachers before they join the profession in a professional way that enables them to carry out their multiple roles and responsibilities, as well as paying attention to their professional development during service through professional training processes, and perhaps this contributes to achieving the professional development of teachers to the extent that they can do effectively in achieving The goals of drug prevention education, by guiding students and guiding them on how to confront the drug phenomenon, detect drug users, and how to cooperate with security agencies in combating drug trafficking. Perhaps this will have a positive impact in raising the level of awareness of the teacher as it is the first step to raise the level of students awareness of how to deal with drugs and stay away from them.
Second: The role of school curricula in achieving drug prevention education
Educational curricula in its modern sense are not only academic courses, but rather a means by educators in providing the children of society with certain specifications determined by the purpose, goals and objectives of education, and the latter is determined in the light of two basic variables: the culture of society and the changes of the times. Therefore, the curricula are a set of experiences organized and supervised by the school and practiced by the students inside and outside the school with the aim of achieving its educational goals. The school, through the modern concept of the curriculum, can link the student s life with the social reality surrounding the school by raising it from levels of preservation and retrieval to higher levels of knowledge, based on understanding, application, analysis, criticism, innovation, creativity and optimal preparation for life.
The modern curriculum aims to achieve the comprehensive and integrated growth of the learner s personality, through academic curricula and classroom and extracurricular activities. Those interested in curricula recommended the necessity of linking every information taught in the syllabus to a tangible reality or practice in the student s family and social environment. The absence of this link makes most of what the student learns just information and terms that he memorizes, then he forgets many of them without taking root in his mind or affecting his behavior and behavior.
From this point of view, it is the responsibility of the school, with its curricula, to work on developing awareness of drugs and their dangers to the individual and society by providing students with information and concepts related to drugs and including them in the curricula, provided that they have a share in the continuous evaluation. The curricula can enrich students’ culture with positive ideas about drug prevention education and deepen their concepts, provide them with how to avoid falling into addiction, train them on how to deal with addicts, and warn against falling prey to these drugs. The school can also develop in its students awareness of the dangers of drugs and their negative effects on the individual and society, through the multiple curricula offered to them that contain many educational practices.
Through the course of religious education and Islamic studies, it is possible to present topics related to the presentation of jurisprudential opinions and legal rulings for drug abuse, the teaching of Quranic verses and prophetic hadiths that urge abstinence from intoxicants, and its damages to human health and the Muslim community.
This also applies to the course of Christian religious education, as it is possible to present selected verses from the Bible and a set of exemplary sermons that cultivate virtue and lofty values and make a person distance himself from bad friends who represent the first thread of falling into addiction.
Through the Arabic language curricula, reading lessons can be provided that explain the dangers of drugs to the individual and society. Students can also be assigned to write topics about drug dangers, how to detect drug users, how to cooperate with security agencies to report drug traffickers, and so on.
It is also possible through science curricula to clarify how to maintain the general health of the human being, and the effect of drugs on the physical and mental aspects. Through the mathematics course, it is possible to clarify the financial and economic losses that befall the country s economies due to drug trafficking and the losses that result from the inability of individuals to work and produce due to addiction.
It is also possible through the art education course to develop awareness of preventive education against drugs by assigning students to draw individuals who use drugs, their health deteriorating, and the appearance of weakness on their faces. It is also possible to create artistic paintings suitable for announcing the dangers of drugs and how to eliminate them, and to guide individuals through these paintings about what can happen to them by clarifying the stages of health deterioration for drug users.
Thus, through the curricula, it is possible to provide information, acquire skills, develop trends that can contribute to achieving drug prevention, and make use of modern communication technology to teach it in an interesting and enjoyable manner that helps students acquire positive behaviors that contribute to achieving drug prevention and ward off its dangers from society.
Third: The role of school activities in achieving drug prevention education
School activities are a cornerstone of modern education because of their active role in achieving the goals of the educational process, and satisfying students psychological, social, health and economic needs. School activities provide students with a set of organized free work that students carry out according to their desires and tendencies outside the classroom with the aim of helping them to develop integrated in all aspects of their personality, physical, mental, emotional, individual and social, and thus these school activities can play an important role in preventing students from falling into addiction drugs.
The school, which can activate its various activities, can contribute to providing information, acquiring skills and developing trends related to drug control, contributing to clarifying its dangers to both the individual and society, and clarifying the legal rulings related to its prohibition. Many school activities can contribute to achieving drug prevention education by doing the following:
1-Hosting specialists in the early detection of drug abuse to hold seminars, give lectures and provide training courses on the most important changes that occur to drug abusers.
2-Hosting the clergy to hold seminars and give lectures on religious awareness and to clarify the legal rulings related to the prohibition of drugs and their harm to both the individual and society to limit drug abuse.
3-Dealing with local and international news about the phenomenon of drugs and their harms through school radio programmes. School radio is an educational activity that complements the classroom activity, keeps pace with the curricula and provides a variety of educational experiences.
4-Activating the activities of the school press by addressing some of the social effects of drug abuse. The school press is a media that has effective leadership and direction in the school and contributes to the formation of objective critical thought and opinion-making within the school.
5-Organizing visits to prisons to learn about the conditions experienced by prisoners who are punished for the crime of drug abuse, trafficking or promotion so that they learn about their conditions in prisons.
6-Visiting drug control centers in the local environment to learn about the services they provide to the community.
7-Participation in theatrical works and school drama scenes that develop students awareness of the dangers and disadvantages of drugs on the individual and society.
Fourth: The role of school administration in achieving drug prevention education
Contemporary administrative thought sees that school administration is a group of coordinated efforts undertaken by a team of school workers in order to achieve educational goals within the school in line with what the state aims to achieve in raising its children in a correct manner and on sound foundations.
Therefore, the school administration is seen as responsible for providing a good and appropriate educational climate to achieve the educational goals of the school and the community as a whole. It is also responsible for following up on its students and revealing the problems they face, whether they are school problems or social problems related to the surrounding environment and the risks facing them. Hence, among the roles played by the school administration, the role of protecting students from the dangers that may threaten them, such as drug abuse, addiction, and others, emerges.
In order for the school administration to succeed in achieving drug prevention education, it had to open up to the surrounding community and identify the most important problems that exist in it, so that it could be more capable of carrying out its administrative tasks. The school administration can play many roles that can contribute to achieving drug prevention education through the following:
1-Establishing behavioral rules and school laws that aim to establish proper behavior that combats crime in general, including the crime of drug abuse, and setting laws that bind students to follow this behavior while spreading awareness of these rules and laws and their importance through various activities.
2-Involving students in managing the classroom by distributing students into groups in the classroom with the aim of creating smaller units to achieve interaction to train students on positive behavioral rules that urge them to adhere to school work etiquette and stay away from crime.
3-Observing students behavior patterns to notice changes that may occur in their behavior, which could help in the early detection of drug abusers.
4-Paying attention to recreational and enrichment activities, contributing to occupying leisure time with the aim of providing positive alternatives that distance students from the climate that may lead to drug abuse.
5-Establishing a system for monitoring and following up on a daily basis for absence by computer, and informing the student’s guardian of the absence on the same day. It tracks the cases of students who are constantly absent and monitors their behavior.
Fifth: The role of the student advisor “social worker” in protecting students from drugs
The role of the student advisor “social worker” can be activated in achieving preventive education for students and making them aware of the harms of drugs through the following:
1-The student advisor’s interest in organizing competitions between students in highlighting good behavior in dealing and setting an example in goodness and appreciating the role of the school and teachers in educating students about deviant behaviors in general and the dangers of drugs in particular.
2-Strengthening the channels of communication between the family and the school, as they are the most important institutions concerned with social upbringing, and they can deal directly with the various manifestations of behavioral deviations among learners in the school, including the phenomenon of drug abuse.
3-Activating the role of the student advisor in praising the efforts of the security services in implementing laws related to drug control.
4-Awareness of the student advisor of the need to open channels of communication, dialogue and discussion with the students so that the problems that the students may encounter that may cause them to take drugs are explored.
5-Ensure attendance at training courses, awareness seminars and workshops offered to student counseling practitioners, in order to develop their abilities in early detection of deviations in behavior and drug abuse among students enrolled in the school.
6-The need for the student counselor to cooperate with the teachers in early detection of students who exhibit drug behaviors.
7-The student guide should pay attention to opening channels of communication between the school and institutions specialized in preventing drug awareness, such as addiction control centers and public security facilities for dealing with drugs, by increasing the effectiveness of awareness programs in this regard.
8-The student advisor assigns his students to conduct research on the harms of drugs to the individual and society.
Through the integration of these roles for the components of the school community, schools can play an active role in protecting their students from falling into the pitfalls of drugs and protecting them from their harm. Thus, schools contribute to maximizing the preventive role of drugs that protects students, schools, and even society as a whole from this danger facing them.
In numbers: Find out the rates of drug abuse among age groups in Egypt
The Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Substance Abuse confirmed the continuation of providing treatment services to addiction patients amid taking all measures around the clock, explaining in its report (issued on Tuesday, June 8, 2021), that the percentage of drug users and the type of narcotic substances was monitored according to the fund’s hotline data. As follows:
–50 thousand and 576 patients visited the partner treatment centers with the addiction treatment fund hotline, during the first 5 months of 2021, including 1289 cases from the new “alternative slums” areas such as Asmarat, Al Mahrousa, Rawdat Al Sayeda and Bashayer Al Khair.
-There are 26 addiction treatment centers in 16 governorates, providing treatment services to patients free of charge, in accordance with international standards and in complete secrecy.
-The percentage of males benefiting from these services reached 94.39%, while the percentage of females reached 5.41.1%.
-Cairo Governorate ranked first according to the most incoming calls to the hotline, with a rate of 33.17%.
-Giza Governorate ranked second for the most incoming calls to the hotline, with a rate of 12.64%, due to the high population census, ease of communication and the spatial proximity of hospitals cooperating with the hotline for those seeking treatment.
-The addiction treatment hotline received 16023 last May, 15,983 phone calls, including 953 calls from girls, to receive addiction treatment, after the recent announcement made by the Fund for Combating and Treatment of Addiction and Abuse during the month of May as part of the “You are stronger than drugs” campaign.
- -Abuse started at an early age, as 45.98% started from the age of 15 to 20 years.
-32.34% started from the age of 20 to 30 years, while 15.04% came at the age of less than 15 years.
-The Fund explained in a statement that the most substance abused is hashish, as it ranked first according to the most drug types in relation to the results of the hotline with a rate of 41.39%.
-Heroin abuse came in second with 33.03%, followed by tramadol with 26.09%, and astrox and voodoo with 9.98%, in addition to multiple abuse (using more than one drug) at 25.72%.
In these lines, we seek to develop the proposed educational vision to activate the school’s role in developing its students’ awareness of the dangers of addiction, through the following educational mechanisms:
1-Practicing sports that help build character, create in the student a spirit of self-confidence and challenge obstacles, and strengthen the will so that a person can reject wrong things.
2-Paying attention to cultural activities related to addiction, such as cartoons, wall magazines, and morning speeches on school radio, which address the issue of addiction from its various aspects in quick short messages, as well as artistic, social and recreational activities such as trips and parties that exploit energies in useful matters, and highlight their abilities and distinction. It helps them discover their talents.
3-Awareness through school curricula, as well as by holding cultural seminars to educate students. Informing them of the forces of evil that aim to destroy young people, and immunizing them with correct information in the manner of “I know your enemy” with a commitment to credibility and avoidance of exaggeration or underestimation. They live with drugs and live, and also hold dialogue sessions with parents to inform them of the problems facing their children.
4-Organizing seminars for psychologists, social workers and teachers on how to discover early cases and direct them to treatment.
5-Forming school groups to combat addiction, and these groups receive appropriate training to discover early cases, and may include some students who have fallen into addiction and have been treated and recovered. Students have the ability to penetrate the ranks of their colleagues and know their conditions, and convince them to start the treatment journey, especially that students Addiction survivors set a successful example to others.
6-Paying attention to cases of evasion and absenteeism from school, inquiring about the reasons that led to this, and notifying parents so that they can participate effectively in observing their children.
7-Paying attention to cases of academic delays that may lead to frustration and falling into addiction, and cooperating with the family in order to solve the problems encountered in such cases.
8-Monitoring the gates of schools and nearby corners, where some boys and sometimes some students distribute drugs to them.

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