Muslim Lives Don’t Matter

Sami Rachidi
2022 / 2 / 25

Ukraine is under attack, and the West is trembling for the sake of the lives that matter. As opposed to those that do not.

The United States remembered the victims of the September 11th attack a few months ago. It has been twenty years since it occurred, and the United States will never forget´-or-forgive. The September 11th attack served as a scarecrow for Muslims. If the US forgave that, how could it continue to wage war on terrorism, which it had conveniently labeled as exclusively Muslim?

Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, approximately a million Iraqis have died, but no one remembers´-or-commemorates the dead. Casualties among Muslims are referred to as collateral damage, which is statistics at its best.

They are known as Rohynga in Myanmar. Bhudists burned Muslims alive. Nonetheless, their first lady was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The international community chose to ignore the situation. Because, once again, the victims were Muslims.

ISIS, created and supported by the US and its allies, killed in the most Muslims, but these were just statistics.

Israel demolishes homes, tortures and murders Palestinians around the clock, but this does not cause pause´-or-reflection because the deceased are Muslims.

Modi of India demolished a mosque to make way for a Hindu temple. The international community was unconcerned. It also didn t mind when Armenia allocated mosques to animal barns, specifically pig barns. The international community, on the other hand, condemned Turkey for restoring Aya Sofia to its former status as a mosque, one that Sultan Mohammad legally purchased decades before, with registries proving it.

Modi, the new Hitler, is torturing, killing, and displacing Muslims in a state-sponsored terrorist campaign, but the international community of Western culture doesn t seem to mind because the victims are Muslims. They are only useful for statistics´-or-for blaming anything on terrorism.
The soldiers hugged the journalist in celebration after he jumped over the body of a Muslim dead man.

The Uighur minority is Muslim and is subject to genocide but the west doesn’t mind. Muslim lives don’t matter.

Jamal Kashoggi was subjected to a horrible death, but he was forgotten in favor of western interests. Victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack, on the other hand, are remembered to this day. Of course, Jamal is a Muslim, whereas they are not.

The West was hesitant to label the New Zealand mosque attack as a terrorist attack, but it was easy to blame it on any Muslim wearing a beard.

Haredi women of Jewish faith are covered from head to toe, and men grow their beards so long that their faces can t be recognized, but their appearance isn t a problem. However, the taliban women s face covering appears to be causing the west the unrest of a lifetime. The West is unconcerned about the civilians it has killed in Afghanistan, but is preoccupied with the face coverings of Afghan women.

It is safe to say that today s Muslims are the Jews of yesterday. Anti-semitism is synonymous with anti-Islamism.
Muslim lives don t matter, and Muslims are the target of open concentration camps, gas chambers, and other atrocities while the rest of the world conveniently ignores them.

If we can stop antisemitism years later, why can t we stop anti-Islamism on a daily basis?

The UAE tortures Muslims around the clock, and because they are Muslim, the violation of human rights is not an issue. Egypt has committed hundreds of violations of the law, but it is acceptable because the victims are Muslim. To cover up for the death of Regenie, the brave young man, five innocent Egyptians were murdered in cold blood-;- however, only Regenie made headlines, while the rest were never mentioned.

Attacks on Muslims in the West occur on a daily basis but are rarely mentioned in the media, whereas non-Muslims dominate the news.

Macron promotes freedom of expression, but it stops where he begins. Freedom of expression to the French is a measure of Muslim punishment. No Westerner is capable of questioning, mocking,´-or-caricatizing the Holocaust. Of course, the victims are not Muslims.

I appeal to the entire world You, Jewry, have been there, and you know what it s like to be mocked for your faith. Take action!

World Jewry has faced discrimination as a result of supremacist beliefs, but Islam is a different story. It frightens the West.
Why is Islam so frightening? Individual liberation ideology is always present.

As a result, don t preach human rights, women s rights,´-or-children s rights. You are bigots, but Trump has the audacity to express himself without a mask.

If you kill a Muslim, you are not only forgiven, but also rewarded! We legitimize it under the guise of combating terrorism! You are a hero, not a murderer, because the victim s faith is crucial.

The situation changes dramatically if a Jew´-or-a non-Muslim is killed. The world is very careful of a Ukrainian’s toe nail gets scratched. Of course it should, he’s no Muslim!

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