The ancient desolation of human history clothed in the shroud of the gods Males and Goddesses Vesta.

Imen Marie Agnes Adili
2022 / 4 / 5

John 14:1-4

Jesus Comforts His Disciples
14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]-;- believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms-;- if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”
Alabaster word exhausted by the natural death of the statues, eternal refugees between the pale walls of the churches, glimmer of refuge but truth of the grave which falls since "the beginning" in the apocalyptic shadows of the collaborating "disciples", hoarders of the inexhaustible vices of -dir-ty money, image of the hearts porous to the confusion of the words which suppress the pus of the pious lie and of the religious bottom oh so mafia.
City of lost dreams perched on the cursed tree of shadows and mists, fateful hymn to the death of the soul deceived by the premeditated lie of the word that was born of the desert of thought buried under the graves of feverish swords and laughing crimes on the shores of doubtful waters, source of the eternal mourning of the soul bullied by the melancholy authorities of words drunk with lies and evils free to lash out.
Symbol of the dawn of civilization and the twilight of truth suspended in the confusions of legitimate stoning and the lawful crimes of the past that awaken the substantial taste of crime immaculate in the vermeil blood of swords stained with poetic bleeding that recount the infernal wonders of gods manes, image of the cult corpses of spirits from above, hell!
Martyrs of belief staying in the abyss of the dead burned by the sorrows of souls who left the spirit in search of ancient crosses.
Cypress of the family of new darkness, of crossed destinies and of the rights of chaste crime baptized in blood celebrating the one-eyedness of buried souls where everyone has the right to touch the scars of trials, a stone that can be revealed by the trials of holy faith in -dir-ty money and self-interested heroism.
The stars of the clandestine shadows that glow like fire in the old heavens, imbroglio of threatening spirits like a corpse that threatens life by invoking the mists of forgotten tombs, here he is the character chosen by god the mafia, persuasive leprechaun of a realm of the old heavens acclaiming the temptations of the closed rooms where frozen walls defy the threats of silencing the moans of historical crime.
It is the reconciliation of lies and ancient divinities in order to make the cursed fires of the ember stars shine in the twilight of human history, reduced to goddesses of fire, image of the goddess Vesta, the ineffaceable mark of the characters of the gods prostrating themselves, in the deafening silence of chronic hypocrisy, before the mafia and its feverish temptations, symbol of cunning and astuteness, candour of the Penumbra of the human soul, the dawn of ethics: (just) and the dusk of the glow: (luck).
This is the deep desolation of the graves of souls emigrated to distant lands, the pathological prostration rite of the corpse before its grave-;- what can be done to prevent the earth from conceiving in its bowels the corpse of an eternal mortal conception?

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