((The mutual influence between Arab scientific research and Western scientific research and its role in transformations and modernization of Arab societies))

Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry
2022 / 7 / 22

((The mutual influence between Arab scientific research and Western scientific research and its role in transformations and modernization of Arab societies))

Over many centuries, and after the emergence of Islam as a renewed global religion, the Arab countries achieved a distinguished political and economic position, and made very great contributions to human civilization, especially the scientific and intellectual contributions that enriched the human heritage. But that retreated and the Arab countries became subject to the control of foreign countries and suffered from a state of stagnation and cultural, scientific and economic regression compared to their distinguished past. With the beginning of the twentieth century, the First World War awakened the hopes of the national resurrection, but the results of the war were more disappointment, as European colonialism replaced the Ottoman control in various parts of the Arab world, and thus the region became subject to European control, and some Arab countries even began to be managed -dir-ectly by the European powers, and both Saudi Arabia and North Yemen escaped from this calamity. The continuation of the state of political subordination to an external force for a relatively long period left its deep im-print-s on the cultural life of the Arab region and its economic achievement alike, both of which were harnessed and adapted to serve the interests of the dominant colonial powers, and weaken the trend towards national revival, liberation and development.

((The mutual influence between Arab scientific research and Western scientific research and its role in transformations and modernization of Arab societies))
Dr. Mustafa Muhammad Al-Abdullah
Damascus University – Faculty of Economics
purely submitted to The Second International Conference on Scientific Research on: The methodology of Western scientific research in the humanities and social sciences About the Arab countries and Turkey
Tunisia 2 – 6 May 1996

For those who wish to view the full research in P D F format, please follow the link:

First – Scientific research is a tool for knowledge production: 3
Second – The Arabs and Attempts to Form an Independent Arab Self: 5
Third – the Arab world between heritage and modernity: 7
Fourth – The history of mutual influence between Arabs and the West in the field of scientific research: 11
Fifth – Features of the overlap of the Arab and Western scientific research system: 14
Sixth – Future studies and research carried out by researchers from the West: 17
Seventh – Evaluating the performance of the Arab research system: 19
Eighth – A proposal for an Arab research system: 20
1- At the level of societal values ​-;-​-;-that the system deals with: 21
2- At the level of the institutional structure of the system: 22
3- Components of a successful scientific research program: 23

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