Agricultural Development in the Arab World

Prof. Dr Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry
2022 / 10 / 5

Inclusive agricultural development (integrated rural development) is an ongoing, long-term task characterized by inclusiveness, complementarity and pluralism. The structural process proceeds from the bottom up according to the principle of self-reliance. This requires the political will capable of and willing to bring about structural changes to the structure of society under comprehensive planning, as well as equitable distribution and public participation, and the appropriate institutional environment, especially with regard to agrarian reform, rural institutions, and the management of rural development. With a focus on investment policies from the point of view of its redistribution between different units within the framework of integrated rural development. Agricultural and food production depends on three main factors:
– Natural resources (land, water resources, climate).
– Labor (labor force and energy used in production).
– Capital necessary to secure the requirements of agricultural production (seeds, fertilizers, mechanisms and various projects).[1]
In addition to the policy adopted by each country in planning and promoting food production, efficient production, effective use of resources and the use of science, technology and scientific institutions to support agricultural and food production and increase productivity.
[1] – See, Journal of Economics, No. 293, Damascus, June 1988, p. 77.

A link to follow the full search in the form of P D F:


I – Characteristics of agricultural development in the Arab world: 2
The ratio of workers in the agricultural sector: 3

II – Indicators for measuring the conditions of agricultural development in the Arab world: 4
1 – Average value of the worker’s production in the agricultural sector: 4
2 – Trade balance of agricultural commodities: 4
III – Factors and causes of low agricultural production and productivity in the Arab world: 5
IV – Components of agricultural development: 7
V – Results of agricultural development: 8
VI – Obstacles to agricultural development in Arab world: 9
1 – The most important obstacles: 9
2 – Arab agricultural investment obstacles. 11
VII – Requirements for agricultural development: 14

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